How to Make Holy Water in Infinite Craft

Infinite Craft provides a step-by-step guide for creating Holy Water, including four simple and efficient steps. Additionally, the guide also offers various recipes that incorporate the use of Holy Water.

Creating Holy Water in Infinite Craft

To quickly create Holy Water in Infinite Craft, simply mix together Water and Wine. Since Water is one of your initial elements, there is no need to be concerned about obtaining it. The main priority is producing Wine. As with most elements in Infinite Craft, the first step is to begin with a Plant by combining Earth and Water.

Element 1 Element 2 Result
Earth Water Plant
How to make a Plant in Infinite Craft

To make a Dandelion, simply add Wind to your Plant.

Element 1 Element 2 Result
Plant Wind Dandelion
How to make a Dandelion in Infinite Craft

With its versatility in Infinite Craft, Dandelion is a surprisingly useful element. Among its many uses is the creation of the sought-after Wine. By simply adding Water to the Dandelion, you can quickly produce Wine.

Element 1 Element 2 Result
Dandelion Water Wine
How to make Wine in Infinite Craft

Finally, take one more portion of Water and mix it with the Wine you previously created to make Holy Water.

Element 1 Element 2 Result
Wine Water Holy Water
How to make Holy Water in Infinite Craft

Creating a Vampire in Infinite Craft

Having obtained Holy Water, you will now have the ability to create various elements using it. One of the simplest elements to create is Vampire, which can be made by combining Holy Water with Fire.

Element 1 Element 2 Result
Holy Water Fire Vampire
How to make a Vampire in Infinite Craft

Additionally, for those without Dust, simply sprinkle Holy Water on the Vampire to transform it into a unit of Dust as a bonus.

Steps to Create Exorcist in Infinite Craft

Not surprisingly, Holy Water can be utilized to create an Exorcist in Infinite Craft. Simply follow the instructions listed in the table below to craft essential components such as the Holy Grail, Jesus, and Priest, in order to ultimately obtain an Exorcist.

Element 1 Element 2 Result
Step 1 Holy Water Holy Water Holy Lake
Step 2 Holy Lake Holy Water Holy Grail
Step 3 Holy Grail Holy Water Jesus
Step 4 Jesus Holy Grail Christianity
Step 5 Christianity Jesus Catholic
Step 6 Catholic Holy Water Priest
Step 7 Priest Holy Water Exorcist
How to make an Exorcist in Infinite Craft

You can create a variety of fascinating items using Holy Water. For your next project, why not attempt making Opposite, which can then be combined with Holy Water to produce Unholy Water (yes, really)?

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