How to Obtain Blazamut Ryu Slabs in Palworld

How to Obtain Blazamut Ryu Slabs in Palworld

To summon Blazamut Ryu, a Raid Boss located on Sakurajima island in Palworld, players must obtain a Blazamut Ryu Slab.

How to craft

To create Blazamut Ryu Slabs, you will require four Blazamut Ryu Slab Fragments, which can be found in the challenging Cherry Blossom Cave Dungeons situated in Sakurajima. Please note that these Dungeons may prove to be more difficult compared to the base game.

The Dungeons are situated in the northwestern area of the Sakurajima map and fall within the same region. It is advised to have a minimum level of 52 before venturing into them, so be sure to adequately equip yourself beforehand.

After obtaining four Blazamut Ryu Slab Fragments, all you have to do is go to a workbench and create the Slab.

Blazamut Ryu is a Raid Boss in Palworld

Summoning the Blazamut Ryu requires a bunch of resources.

How to summon

To call forth the Raid Boss, one must construct the Summoning Altar, which becomes available at level 33 in the Technology tree. This creation necessitates 100 Stones and 20 Paldium Fragments.

After completing the construction of the altar, utilize the recently crafted Slab to summon the Raid Boss. Keep in mind that the Altar can only be activated once, requiring you to retrieve its crafting materials if you wish to use it again.

To ensure you collect all crafting items, be sure to thoroughly explore the island. You may come across materials necessary for creating Plasteel, as well as helpful Pals like Mimog who drops Dog Coins.

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