How to Obtain Flame, Ice & Electric Organs in Palworld

To obtain Flame, Ice, and Electric Organs in Palworld, players must put in a significant amount of effort. These organs are crucial for crafting and are heavily utilized in late-game structures and gear.

Getting your hands on Organs isn’t a simple task, so we will guide you through the most effective methods for farming them. This includes the top locations, helpful tips, and recommended Pals.

Best Pals to Farm Organs in Palworld

Having Penking, Faleris, and Menasting in your party will result in defeated Pals dropping more Organs due to their passive abilities.

Simply having these Pals in your group will significantly enhance your likelihood of obtaining more of these valuable items.

Best Ways to Farm Flame Organs in Palworld

The most easily farmable Flame Organs can be obtained by defeating Foxparks. All you need to do is locate the second Teleport Point in the Grassy Behemot Hills at coordinates 172, -471, and you will be ready to farm.

At dusk and night, the church area is home to many Foxparks that can be easily identified by their constant orange glow, even from a far distance.

Flame Organ Farming Palworld

Farming Flame Organs will be no challenge for most players.

To efficiently farm Flame Organs, consider obtaining a Flambelle as your second and most effective option. These creatures can often be hatched from Small Fire Eggs and will periodically produce Flame Organs on your ranch. This allows you to focus on farming other types of Organs while the Flambelle produces the desired Flame Organs.

Another great option is to search for Ragnahawks near Fisherman’s Point (-481, -734) along the shore of Mount Obsidian. This area is abundant with these creatures, which drop 5 to 7 Fire Organs each.

Best ways to farm Ice Organs in Palworld

The second most convenient item to farm is the Ice Organ, which can be easily obtained by defeating the Penking Boss at the coordinates 110 -353. It is recommended to go at night and enter the dungeon, where you will find a sleeping Penking and three Pengullet.

Ice Organ Farming Palworld

Farming the Penking Boss encounter will yield lots of Ice Organs.

Using a bow or crossbow, carefully shoot down each Pengullet, gather the valuable Ice Organs and Pal Fluids, and safely leave the dungeon without disturbing or defeating the Boss.

Re-enter and the Pengullets will have reappeared. Continue repeating this process until you have gathered enough organs.

Best Ways to Farm Electric Organs

To obtain Electric Organs, visit one of two locations. Begin at 106, -461 and defeat Sparkit enemies until they drop the desired amount. Afterwards, travel to the 62 -417 coordinates in the Desolate Church area. You may choose to teleport or use a mount for faster transportation.

In the evening, you can expect to see multiple pairs of Sparkits running around the trees, usually in three or four groups. During the day and at night, there may be fewer groups, so it is important to keep this in mind.

Electric Organ Farm Palworld

Hunting Sparkit is the most efficient way to farm Electric Organs.

Hunting at coordinates -291, -185 in the Cove Mineshaft area between the Azurobe Hill and Sealed Realm of the Thunder Dragon Fast Travel points is a great way to acquire a large quantity of Electric Organs from Univolt. However, this particular creature can be quite challenging and may be better suited for higher-level players. For those at a lower level, it may be more efficient to hunt smaller prey. If you are around level 50, another option is to travel to Sakurajima at coordinates -685, 106, where you can hunt Helzephyr Lux and Beakon for approximately 12 Electric Organs per kill. This is considered the best high-level location to obtain this resource.

Where to Purchase Flame, Ice & Electric Organs

In Palworld, there is a location near the coordinates 78, -486 known as Small Settlement. Here, a vendor sells Fire, Ice, and Electric Organs for 200 PalCoins each. There is no restriction on the amount you can purchase, so we suggest visiting and stocking up if you have extra funds.

In addition to Pure Quartz, Leather, Ancient Civilization Parts, and High-Quality Pal Oil, you should also explore ways to obtain more crafting materials.

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