How to Obtain Pal Fluids in Palworld

Pal Fluids are a readily available material in Palworld with a variety of uses in the game. Here is a guide on how to obtain them.

Palworld offers an abundance of essential materials for running your base, creating weapons, constructing furniture, crafting mounts, and more.

In the early stages of Palworld, Pal Fluid is a significant resource that is especially useful for establishing and upgrading your first base. Therefore, it is essential to collect as much of it as possible.

Hunting a Pengullet with a bow in Palworld

How to Obtain Pal Fluids

To obtain Pal Fluids in Palworld, the most effective method is to either render wild Pals unconscious or capture them directly using Pal Spheres.

However, it should be noted that not all Pals have the ability to drop Pal Fluids, as this is primarily a resource found in Water-type Pals. The following is a comprehensive list of all Pals capable of dropping this material:

  • Fuack
  • Pengullet
  • Teafant
  • Celeray
  • Gobfin
  • Surf
  • Surfing Terra
  • Kelpsea
  • Suzaku Aqua
  • Jormuntide
  • Lyleen Noct

Where to find Water-type Pals that drop Pal Fluid?

The majority of the Pals on the list are typically located near bodies of water, such as beaches or rivers, as their Water type indicates. This is usually in the center of the map.

pal fluids location palworld

The ideal spot for farming Pal Fluids is the Sea Breeze Archipelago Castaway Beach, where there is an abundance of Celeray and Teafant to hunt. Additionally, both Marsh Island and the Forgotten Island offer excellent opportunities for farming, with Water-type Pals such as Fuack frequently found near the shorelines.

Fuack (#6) Marsh Island / Windswept Hills / Sea Breeze Archipelago / Bamboo Groves (south) / Forgotten Island
Pengullet (#10) Between Eastern Wild Island and Marsh Island / Windswept Island / Sea Breeze Archipelago / Forgotten Island / Ice Wind Island / Astral Mountains (south)
Teafant (#16) Eastern Wild Island / Windswept Hills / Sea Breeze Archipelago / Ice Wind Island / Forgotten Island
Celeray (#25) Between Eastern Wild Island and Marsh Island / Windswept Hills coast / Sea Breeze Archipelago / Forgotten Island
Gobfin (#31) Verdant Brook (beach on the south west side)
Surf (#65) Bamboo Groves (south)
Surfent Terra (#65B) Dessicated Desert (north)
Kelpsea (#81) Bamboo Groves (northwest) / Windswept Hills (west)
Jormuntide (#101) Field Alpha Boss on the Bamboo Groves Lake and between Verdant Brook and Eastern Wild Island
Suzaku Aqua (#102B) Sacred Mountain Cavern dungeon in the Astral Mountain (only as a random spawn)
Lyleen Night (#104B) Field Alpha Boss in the middle of the Astral Mountains

Where to purchase Pal Fluids in Palworld?

At present, it is not possible to buy Pal Fluids from any in-game merchant, unlike other valuable materials like Wool, Leather, Flame, Electric, Ice Organs, and others.

If there are any changes in the future, we will ensure to update this guide with the accurate information.

Pal Fluids: What are they used for?

A hot spring in camp in Palworld

In the game, Pal Fluids serve multiple purposes, and the following are all the builds that necessitate their use.


Lettuce Plantation – 10 Pal Fluids– 3 Lettuce Seeds– 100 Wood– 70 Stone Farm for producing lettuce. Lv. 38 – 3 Technology Points
Tomato Plantation – 5 Pal Fluids– 3 Tomato Seeds– 70 Wood– 50 Stone Farm for producing tomatoes. Lv. 32 – 2 Technology Points

Materials Used:

Cement – 1 Pal Fluids– 1 Bone– 50 Stone Used for creating structures. Lv. 19 – High Quality Workbench or Production Assembly Line– 1 Technology Point


Hot Spring – 10 Pal Fluids– 30 Wood– 15 Stone– 10 Paldium Fragment Used for Pals to recover SAN. Lv. 9 – 2 Techonology Points
Water Fountain – 20 Pal Fluids– 200 Stone– 100 Ingot Improves Watering efficiency in the base. Lv. 23 – 2 Technology Points
Witch Cauldron – 15 Pal Fluids– 15 High Quality Pal Oil– 50 Stone– 50 Ingot Improves Medicine Production efficiency in the base. Lv. 32 – 2 Technology Points

Pal Gear

Azurobe Saddle – 10 Pal Fluids– 25 Leather– 30 Fiber– 25 Paldium Fragment– 10 Cloth Saddle for riding Azurobe. Lv. 24 – Pal Gear Workbench– 2 Technology Points
Celeray’s Gloves – 3 Pal Fluids– 5 Paldium Fragment– 5 Cloth Gloves to use Celeray as a glider. Lv. 7 – Pal Gear Workbench– 1 Technology Point
Jormuntide Saddle – 20 Pal Fluids– 30 Leather– 50 Fiber– 50 Ingot– 40 Paldium Fragment Saddle for riding Jormuntide. Lv. 39 – Pal Gear Workbench– 2 Technology Points
Surfent Saddle – 5 Pal Fluids– 5 Leather– 10 Paldium Fragment Saddle for riding Surfent. Lv. 10 – Pal Gear Workbench– 1 Technology Point
Suzaku Aqua Saddle – 24 Pal Fluids– 24 Leather– 48 Paldium Fragment– 30 Refined Ingot Saddle for riding Suzaku Aqua Lv. 43 – Pal Gear Workbench– 4 Technology Points


Suspicious Juice – 1 Pal Fluids– 3 Beautiful Flower– 3 Horn– 1 Bone Increases work speed but lowers SAN. Lv. 12 – Medieval Medicine Workbench
Strange Juice – 2 Pal Fluids– 5 Beautiful Flower– 5 Horn– 2 Bone Significantly increases work speed but lowers SAN. Lv. 12 – Medieval Medicine Workbench
Memory Wiping Medicine – 50 Pal Fluids– 99 Beautiful Flower– 50 Horn– 50 Bone Allows players to respec status points. Lv. 43 – Electric Medicine Workbench
Mind Control Meds – 3 Pal Fluids– 10 Refined Ingot– 10 Horn– 5 Bone Extremely effective in controlling dissidents. Lv. 43 – Electric Medicine Workbench


Decal Ink – 1 Pal Fluids– 1 High Quality Pal Oil Ammo for the Decal Gun. Lv. 42 – High Quality Workbench / Weapon Workbench– 1 Ancient Technology Point

Tips for farming Pal Fluids in Palworld

Pursuing Pengullets for hunting can be quite frustrating as they are easily startled, but it is an effective method for obtaining Pal Fluids in the game. Moreover, they can be found near the coastline of Grassy Behemoth Hills at an early stage in the game.

It is recommended to unlock the Old Bow at Level 3 before pursuing them, as this will allow you to take them out from a distance. This will prevent the frustration of chasing them with a spear and constantly missing due to the game’s imperfect hit detection.

In the same region, you can also encounter Fuack, Teafant, and Celeray spawns. It is recommended to bring an ample supply of weapons and Pal Spheres if you plan on capturing any of these creatures.

Palworld Paldeck 22 Pengullet

If you have a strong stomach, you can utilize the Meat Cleaver to obtain twice the amount of Pal Fluids. These materials can be acquired by capturing a Pal, and then obtaining additional amounts by butchering it.

It is important to always include strong Electric-type Pals in your team as they have an advantage over Water Pals. This will allow you to quickly defeat enemies with just a few attacks.

In conclusion, make sure to utilize Orserk’s Partner Skill “Ferocious Thunder Dragon”if you possess it, as it will enhance the number of items obtained from defeating Water Pals.

This is all the information available on Pal Fluids in Palworld. To maintain your position as a top player, here are some effective methods for quickly leveling up in Palworld. Additionally, you can learn how to harvest Pal Oil, another crucial resource in the game.

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