How to Obtain Resplendent Sparks in Diablo 4 Season 4

In Diablo 4, Resplendent Sparks are crucial for achieving the perfect build, but obtaining them can be challenging. Here are some effective methods for farming Resplendent Sparks.

The use of Resplendent Sparks is crucial in Diablo 4 for crafting Uber Uniques, especially when engaging in endgame activities.

Acquiring them is no easy feat, but if you wish to dedicate your time to crafting Uber Uniques, it’s essential to know where to obtain Resplendent Sparks.

Diablo 4: Top Methods for Obtaining Resplendent Sparks

In order to obtain Resplendent Sparks in Diablo 4, one can complete the seasonal questline, defeat Tormented bosses, beat Uber Lilith, and salvage Uber Uniques. However, it should be noted that not all of these methods are equally effective. Therefore, here is a ranking of each method:

  1. Completing seasonal questline
  2. Beating Uber Lillith
  3. Salvaging Uber Uniques
  4. Defeating Tormented bosses
Duriel in Diablo 4
Blizzard Entertainment

Tormented bosses take a lot of work to summon, and are difficult to beat.

Tormented bosses

In World Tier 4: Torment, it is possible to summon tormented bosses, although they demand a much larger amount of resources compared to regular bosses.

In general, relying on Tormented bosses as a means of farming Resplendent Sparks is not the most efficient option. This is due to the high cost of materials needed to summon them.

For instance, summoning Uber Lord Zir typically demands nine Exquisite Blood, whereas the Tormented variation necessitates 45 Exquisite Blood and three Stygian Stones. Acquiring Stygian Stones alone can be quite troublesome.

Additionally, Tormented bosses will only drop a single Resplendent Spark upon initial defeat, further emphasizing this method as a last resort.

Salvaging Uber Uniques

Uber Uniques obtained from Uber bosses are unpredictable, indicating that there is a high chance of acquiring Uber Uniques that may not be particularly useful to you.

Salvaging an Uber Unique rewards you with one Resplendent Spark. For experienced Diablo 4 players who already have Uber Uniques stored in their stash, this translates to a simple acquisition of the four Resplendent Sparks required for crafting an Uber Unique.

Although this method may not be the most efficient way of farming Uber Uniques, it does require a significantly longer amount of time to complete.

Resplendent Spark in Diablo 4
Blizzard Entertainment

Resplendent Sparks let you craft Uber Uniques.

Beating Uber Lillith

To summon Uber Lillith, you must reach World Tier 4. This tier can be accessed after completing the Fallen Temple Capstone Dungeon in World Tier 3.

Upon completion, Uber Lillith can be located near the Nevesk Waypoint in Fractured Peaks within the Echo of Hatred dungeon.

There are a few helpful strategies to overcome her:

  • Ensure that you are at minimum level 90 (especially if you are playing alone).
  • Ensure that you have reached the maximum armor cap and Resistance caps before summoning Uber Lillith.
  • Equip gear that increases your movement speed to dodge her attacks.
  • Consider using a Defensive ability that gives you Immune.
  • Use elixirs and gear that mostly give you defense against Shadow damage.

Upon defeating Uber Lillith for the first time in Season 4, she will drop a Resplendent Spark. In addition, she will also drop a random Uber Unique. This implies that even if the Uber Unique she drops is not beneficial to your needs, you will still gain two Resplendent Sparks.

1. Completing Seasonal Questline

Upon finishing the seasonal questline for Season 4, you will receive a Resplendent Spark as your reward.

Interestingly, it has been discovered by Rob2628 that completing the Season 4 questline with each character will earn you a Resplendent Spark for each one.

By completing this Season’s quest with various characters, you have the ability to obtain an infinite number of Resplendent Sparks. After receiving it from the quest, simply store it in your stash and retrieve it when you are prepared to use it for crafting.

Although all of these methods require some grinding to be successful, certain ones may be slightly easier to obtain the Resplendent Sparks you need. Uber Uniques are highly coveted items in the game, so if you are determined to craft your own, be prepared to invest a significant amount of time.

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