How to overclock your monitor in a secure manner via the Nvidia Control Panel

The Nvidia Control Panel provides the user with a number of different GPU (graphics processing unit) setting customization choices to choose from. This involves making adjustments to display settings such as the refresh rate of the monitor. Users are encouraged to experiment with increasing their monitor’s refresh rate in spite of the fact that doing so may not be entirely risk-free.

The majority of monitors of recent generations can have their clock speeds increased beyond what is allowed by the factory. On the other hand, businesses and manufacturers do not advise doing this because it may cause damage to the hardware in the long term and also renders the warranty for the goods null and useless.

Disclaimer: One must attempt this overclocking task at their own discretion.

Increasing the frequency of the monitor through the Nvidia Control Panel

In most cases, the type of panel and the hardware technologies utilized in a monitor will determine whether or not overclocking is possible. After being overclocked, the refresh rate of many monitors can exceed 100 hz, which enables them to push the boundaries of what is possible.

But, as was said before, exceeding the threshold of your monitor by more than a certain number might shorten its lifespan and possibly cause issues with its overall quality. Instead, one ought to proceed with caution and begin with values that are lower.

The following is a guide that will walk you through using the Nvidia Control Panel to gently increase your refresh rate:

  • Launch the Nvidia Control Panel by clicking on the system tray icon located in the lower right-hand corner of your Windows screen. In order for this software to function properly on your computer, you will need to ensure that an Nvidia graphics card is installed. The Nvidia panel is not compatible with any other GPUs, therefore using it with those will not produce any results.
  • Under the Display heading on the left side of the window, find the configuration option labeled “Change resolution,” and select that.
  • When entering the area, check to see that your computer’s resolution is set to the native display; the setting will be indicated by a pair of small parenthesis.
  • In that case, it is possible that the customize option will not load, and you will need to use the Nvidia Control Panel to reset your resolution. On the other hand, this occurrence is quite uncommon.
  • You will be given the opportunity to change the display in the same section under Display if you have a multi-monitor setup. This option may be found in the same section.
  • Once you have navigated to the monitor that you wish to overclock, use the “customize” button that is located directly below the part that lists the resolution.
  • Click on the ‘Create Custom Resolution’ button once you have checked the box to enable a resolution that is not exposed by the display inside of the customize tab.
  • This tab will guide you through the process of customizing your refresh rate such that it exceeds the rate that is advertised for your hardware. It is recommended that you raise the refresh rate somewhat over the value that is set as the default, however, so that you can carry out this action without risk.
  • You may adjust the refresh rate of the monitor by pressing the up and down arrows that are located in the refresh rate value selector that is located within the custom resolution tab.
  • Press the test button once you have the refresh rate set correctly. If the display on your monitor goes black for a few seconds before reappearing, this indicates that the hardware does not meet the requirements to overclock to the provided value. In this particular scenario, it is suggested that the display not be pushed any further.

If the display has a refresh rate between 60 and 75 hertz, it is strongly advised that the value be raised somewhat to prevent the hardware from being damaged as well as other technical issues. Because the Nvidia Control Panel does not display any kind of warning message before carrying out this activity, it is strongly advised that you conduct this task with extreme caution.

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