How to Perform a Wall Jump in Deadlock

In the August 29th update, Deadlock’s movement ability was enhanced with the addition of wall jumping, allowing players to perform this new action. Here is a guide on how to execute it.

As Deadlock reaches its early Alpha stage, it has been receiving significant attention with hundreds of thousands of players flocking to Valve’s MOBA hero shooter to try it out.

With the ability to finally discuss the game in its entirety, certain players may be realizing that the game’s movement mechanics may not meet their expectations.

The purpose of the August 29 patch was to address certain issues, such as the lack of climbing and shooting opportunities on certain buildings. As a result, ropes have been added to these structures to enhance gameplay.

In addition to the new ropes, there is also some new movement tech for wall jumps. Here is a guide on how to perform these jumps and some important information to keep in mind.

Things to know when wall jumping in Deadlock

To execute a wall jump, simply press the button away from the wall and then jump.

If you find yourself facing a wall while in mid-air, you can perform a wall jump by pressing the S key. If the wall is to your right, press A instead. Essentially, you just need to press the button in the direction opposite the wall.

It is crucial to understand that this action can only be performed once. Therefore, it is not possible to continuously perform a wall jump and remain suspended in the air, as you must first land before attempting another one.

Furthermore, it is not possible to perform a wall jump from the ground. You must already be in mid-air while on a wall in order to execute a successful wall jump. This can be achieved by jumping from the ground, or by using an ability while already airborne.

A wall jump does not require any stamina, therefore the only downside is ensuring that the timing is correct.

As a Viscous player, especially one with high mobility, you will definitely enjoy the new wall jumps.

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