How to perform perfect dodge in Final Fantasy 16?

Final Fantasy 16 is finally out for the PlayStation 5 console. The latest entry in the iconic JRPG franchise from Square Enix takes the series in a different direction. Unlike previous older entries, it goes full action with a combo system. No surprise, since Devil May Cry 5’s combat director, Ryota Suzuki, also helped create the battle system for this brand new game. As such, the party-based design is shelved for solo fights.

Players control Clive Rosfield and step into the magical world of Valisthea to battle powerful foes and terrifying monsters. His combat arsenal is surprisingly deep, with many abilities at his disposal. One of the most used functions will be the dodge.

How to dodge attacks to execute a perfect dodge in Final Fantasy 16?

Dodging in Final Fantasy 16 is incredibly easy. Players only need to press the R1 button on the PlayStation 5’s Dualsense controller to make Clive evade.

Since players will often be engaged in battles dishing out a flurry of combos, dodging is useful to avoid taking enemy damage. Knowing when to dodge is key to winning some of the harder encounters in the game.

There is a second kind of dodge ability called Precision Dodge. As the name suggests, it is activated by pressing R1 just as the enemy’s attack is about to hit Clive.

On performing it correctly, a prompt on the right side of the screen saying “Precision Dodge”will pop up, confirming they have successfully executed it. By evading at a split second, this slows down time very briefly for players to react with a counter combo.

It should also be obvious that mastering Precision Dodge can be tricky. Every enemy in the game has different ways of being dealt with as well as distinct movesets.

Therefore, players must experiment and, most importantly, remain patient while learning each foe’s attack patterns. This will make performing Precision Dodges easier. Of course, players who simply wish to experience the story without the hectic combat will have their needs met as well.

As a means of allowing accessibility, Final Fantasy 16’s Story Mode difficulty option allows equipping a bunch of different accessories. Each grants Clive a buff, thus making combat easier.

There is an item called the Ring of Timely Evasion that should aid players who are new to the character-action genre and struggling with dodging. This allows Clive to evade most normal attacks; however, players must still be vigilant and manually avoid some of the tougher attacks that cannot be dodged.

What platforms is Final Fantasy 16 available on?

The game is only available on the PlayStation 5. As such, Xbox, Nintendo, and PC fans will be missing out. This does not come as much of a surprise, as the series has largely been on PlayStation since the PS1 days.

With its exclusivity on Sony’s current-gen home console, the developers have created a visually impressive and all-around stunning game that fans cannot get enough of.

However, the game is confirmed to be a timed-exclusive, meaning it will eventually make its way to other systems.

Final Fantasy 16 is developed and published by Square Enix and was released on June 22, 2023.

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