How to Rank Up Quickly in Space Marine 2: Understanding the Leveling System

You’ve just stepped into the grimdark future of Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2, ready to ascend to the ranks of the Emperor’s finest, even without the time typically required.

Becoming an unstoppable force of the Emperor’s wrath can feel like a grind if you’re unsure where to concentrate your efforts in Space Marine 2. Unlike many games, leveling up functions differently here, as you won’t earn any experience points (EXP) from the main campaign.

To transform your towering super-soldier into an indomitable force, you’ll need to focus on grinding EXP correctly.

Leveling Tips for Space Marine 2

Space Marine 2 Operation selection
Focus Entertainment

Decapitation is the best operation for fast leveling, but focus on the objectives.

To level up your Space Marine quickly, ensure that you complete at least half of the base campaign. You’ll need to unlock the second mission in the Operations menu.

Once unlocked, concentrate on Operation 2: Decapitation. This mission is straightforward: plant charges on the bridge and eliminate the Hive Tyrant. Avoid distractions and focus on blitzing through the objectives.

Before starting, remember that you can adjust the threat level (difficulty). The higher the difficulty, the more EXP you can earn.

Assemble the Right Team

Best team to beat mission 2 in Space Marine 2
Focus Entertainment

With the right team, you can swiftly navigate this operation.

Team composition is crucial. Ideally, you should have a Bulwark to tank and hold the line, along with a Sniper to eliminate targets from afar. If possible, include an Assault or Vanguard to clear up any remaining threats. Explore the best classes in Space Marine 2 to make informed choices.

Ramp Up the Difficulty

Difficulty plays a significant role in EXP acquisition. The greater the difficulty, the more EXP you gain. Start on the easiest level to familiarize yourself with the mission, then progress to Average until you reach Level 10. Afterward, aim for Substantial difficulty, and if you’re adept enough, take on Ruthless for higher XP rewards.

As you progress through the mission, bypass unnecessary encounters and concentrate on reaching key objectives. Plant charges, move to the next area, and repeat.

Beat the Final Boss and Repeat

Hive Tyrant in Space Marine 2
Focus Entertainment

The Hive Tyrant is manageable, so increase the difficulty if you’re confident.

The final boss, the Hive Tyrant, is relatively easy to defeat in the game. However, remain cautious; he has two phases requiring skill management and add control. Once you defeat him, return to your base and restart the mission.

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