The legendary super soldier, Master Chief, hailing from the acclaimed Halo series, has made his highly anticipated return to Fortnite as of December 24, 2024. Originally launched in 2020 for a limited time, players now have another opportunity to embody one of gaming’s most iconic heroes. However, act fast! The Master Chief skin will only be available until the New Year!
Excitingly, alongside the classic Master Chief skin, a sleek Matte Black variant is also on offer, which can be easily unlocked once you acquire the original skin.
1. How to acquire the Master Chief skin in Fortnite
The Master Chief outfit is paired with the Battle Legend Back Bling, enhancing your character’s presence in the game. For those seeking the ultimate Master Chief experience, consider purchasing the entire bundle, available for 2,600 V-Bucks. The bundle includes:
- Master Chief skin + Battle Legend Back Bling
- Gravity Hammer Pickaxe
- UNSC Pelican Glider
- Lil’ Warthog Emote
In addition, a Matte Black version of the Master Chief skin is available, following some recent controversies addressed by Epic Games.
2. Unlocking the Matte Black Master Chief Skin in Fortnite
To unlock the Matte Black Master Chief skin, simply play one match on Xbox Series X|S while wearing the original Master Chief skin.
Initially, Epic Games announced that this exclusive skin would only be available to players who purchased the classic variant and played before December 2024. However, they have since confirmed that players can still get the opportunity to unlock the black version before the New Year arrives.
Don’t miss out—jump into a game now using the classic Master Chief skin and secure your stylish Matte Black look!
3. An Overview of Fortnite
Fortnite is a groundbreaking online video game developed by Epic Games, originally released in 2017. The game features three distinct modes that, while sharing a common gameplay foundation, offer unique experiences:
- Fortnite Battle Royale: This free-to-play battle royale pits up to 100 players against one another in a race to be the last person standing.
- Fortnite: Save the World: A cooperative hybrid of tower defense and shooter gameplay where players team up to fend off waves of zombie-like creatures and protect structures with traps and fortifications.
- Fortnite Creative: This mode grants players complete creative control, allowing them to craft their own worlds and battle arenas.
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