How to unlock the Laboratory in Aliens Dark Descent?

Aliens Dark Descent is not an easy game. That is made plenty obvious by its challenging gameplay mechanics if the oppressive atmosphere was not an indication already. Players will establish and deploy a squad of four Colonial Marines on Planet Lethe. With the Xenomorph threat rising day by day, the team must put a stop to it all. However, this is easier said than done.

The terrifying Xenomorph aliens are incredibly resilient and deadly in every manner of the term. As such, players must be prepared at every turn. This is done by learning and adapting to the enemy, which is why research is key.

To do that, players must unlock the Laboratory first.

What must players do to unlock the Laboratory in Aliens Dark Descent?

Like many other means of progression, the Laboratory is aboard the spaceship Otago in Aliens Dark Descent. Here, players can bring in alien samples collected from the field to unlock new upgrades. These will help the team survive longer against Xenomorph ambushes when exploring Planet Lethe.

However, gaining access to the lab is not easy. To do so, players must complete all Primary Objectives in the Dead Hills area. This is the first major region of the planet that gamers navigate in Aliens Dark Descent. As such, there are many different things to do and see here.

The list of objectives to be completed is as follows:

  • Reactivate the Colony’s Satcom
  • Deactivate the Emergency Lockdown
  • Save Engineer O’Neil
  • Save Engineer Macallan
  • Save Security Guard Torrance
  • Save Veterinarian McNeil
  • Save Technician Carmichael
  • Find the Source of the Infestation
  • Save Biologist Everly
  • Investigate the Suspicious Container
  • Find Materials for the Otago
  • Find the Colonists in the Old Mine
  • Save Veterinarian McNeil

Most of these are centered around finding survivors in Aliens Dark Descent. Once all boxes have been ticked, it is time to head back to the Otago. Players will now notice that the Laboratory option is available right next to the Medical Quarter. Accessing it allows investing in Xenotech. This refers to upgrades that help the team better deal with the Xenomorphs.

To unlock these upgrades, users need to find Xenosamples in the game. These are resources obtained from the creepy aliens themselves. Thankfully players do not need live specimens, so Xenosamples can be collected off alien corpses after defeating them. These samples are not guaranteed to drop, however, so be on the lookout.

When they spawn, a prompt over the corpse’s location will allow players to approach and begin the extraction process. A short animation later, the Marines should have the resources. It should also be noted that killing Alien Queens also drops Xenotech blueprints, so be sure to deal with these powerful variants, as the reward is worth it.

Each upgrade has different sample amount requirements and also different uses. As an example, players can make their armor resist Xenomorph blood. According to Aliens lore, the green blood that runs through these creatures’ veins is acidic. If the Marines come into contact with it, they will take damage.

Note that activating these upgrades in Aliens Dark Descent takes up two Xenosamples further. So it is recommended that players first focus on unlocking the perks that suit their playstyle to avoid wasting resources.

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