Huge Price Spike for MTG’s Modern Horizons 3 Vampire Planeswalker

MTG’s Modern Horizons 3 has exceeded expectations, continuing the trend of previous Horizons sets by including highly potent and expensive cards that players are eagerly seeking to acquire.

One of the most highly coveted cards in Modern Horizons 3 is the group of flip-walkers. These Planeswalkers that can transform have garnered a lot of attention since the release of the set, with many already increasing in value. And now, it is Sorin of House Markov’s turn to shine, as players are eagerly seeking out this fantastic new Orzhov Vampire.

Prior to the release of Modern Horizons 3, Sorin of House Markov, also known as Sorin, Ravenous Neonate, was already considered a costly card with an average price of $9. However, with players becoming more familiar with the set and experiencing the powerful effects of Sorin’s drain and gain abilities, his price has significantly increased.

The Sorin flip-walker’s current price of $27 is fitting for this esteemed aristocrat. Although it is hoped that the price will stabilize soon for the convenience of interested players, the rarity of Flip-walkers in MTG makes it a highly sought-after collectible item that collectors will want to acquire as soon as they can.

Modern Horizons 3 Sorin MTG

Sorin of House Markov possesses a comprehensive range of skills that are ideal for eliminating adversaries and maintaining your overall health.

Thanks to the combination of Lifelink and Extort on the Creature side, it is surprisingly simple to meet the requirements for transforming this card as the game progresses.

As soon as Sorin transforms into his awakened Planeswalker form, the real excitement can commence. By collecting Food tokens to increase his life points, dealing damage equivalent to the life gained each turn, and converting opposing Creatures to his command, Sorin can effectively dictate the pace of the game in his favor.

The increasing cost of this Vampire is understandable, and it is probable that all of the flip-walkers in Modern Horizons 3 will eventually reach a similar price.

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