Hyeri’s “Victory” Hits No.1 at Box Office Despite Manipulation Claims, Production Company Calls Allegations “Baseless”

As of September 12th, the Korean Film Council’s integrated system reported that “Victory” gathered 13,602 viewers on the previous day, earning the top position at the box office. Despite modest daily attendance figures, the film has now maintained the No. 1 ranking for two consecutive days.

“Victory” revolves around “Millennium Girls,” an enthusiastic amateur cheerleading club that uplifts audiences with their lively dances and performances. The film debuted at No. 5 with 36,258 viewers, subsequently fell to No. 8, but made an impressive return to the top after a month of screening.

Featuring Hyeri in the lead role, the film garnered attention in part due to her tireless promotional activities. Despite her packed schedule, Hyeri diligently worked to promote the movie.


In light of “Victory’s” recent surge at the box office, certain online forums speculated about potential manipulation of attendance figures. In response, the production company Mindmark took to their official Instagram to clarify, stating, “We want to emphasize that the allegations against ‘Victory’ are entirely unfounded.”

The company elaborated, “Several corporate and group screenings were arranged around the Chuseok holiday, resulting in increased viewer numbers, particularly during weekdays. The theaters that reached full capacity on weekdays were primarily due to group bookings, which might have led to some confusion.”

It is important to note that group screenings are typically not advertised on standard booking sites. However, it seems some of these schedules were inadvertently made public, causing additional misunderstanding. The production company expressed gratitude for the support and interest surrounding the film.

Source: Daum

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