Hypercharge: Unboxed – Boss Guide

In Hypercharge: Unboxed, the task of defeating malevolent toy bosses can seem daunting. To help you overcome them all, here are some useful tips.

Hypercharge: Unboxed is a game that will test your ability to withstand a constant barrage of toys determined to destroy your Hypercores. Throughout each level, you will be faced with challenging boss battles that require strategic thinking to overcome.

All Bosses in Hypercharge: Unboxed & How to Defeat Them


  • Map: Funderdome

The Toy-Rex is a formidable foe that immediately charges at you upon entering the arena. Although defeating it can be a lengthy task, targeting its battery compartment on the back can expedite the process of depleting its health.

Toy Rex in Hypercharge Unboxed
Digital Cybercherries

Although the Toy Rex is huge, it is one of the fastest bosses.

It is recommended to shoot the object from a distance, allowing for a clear aim at its battery packs. If playing with a group, a Sniper or Pulse cannon would be suitable choices. However, if playing alone, it would be wise to use a Minigun instead.

Cyber- Rex

  • Map: Funderdome

The Cyber-Rex is an enhanced model of the T-Rex. To inflict harm, the shield must first be breached. While it remains just as colossal as its predecessor, it also boasts two laser cannons on its flanks and a powerful rocket launcher on its back, capable of causing significant destruction even from a distance.

Cyber-Rex in Hypercharge Unboxed
Digital Cybercherries

Try to quickly break Cyber-Rex armor so you can deal direct damage to it.

Targeting a specific area of its body armor will cause it to eventually break off. Employing powerful firearms such as the Ice Blaster or Pulse Cannon will effectively defeat this boss, making them the recommended weapons of choice.


  • Map: Garden of Evil

The Dambuster is a Missile Truck that, upon activation, will initiate its launch sequence. A tracking beacon will then be deployed from the sky to locate and target your Hypercore, ensuring that all missiles are directed towards it.

The beacon from the Dambsuter of Hypercharge Unboxed
Digital Cybercherries

You can carry the beacon by simply lifting it, but you’ll have limited time to throw it.

To defeat the Dambuster, you must seize the beacon and hurl it at the Dambuster, causing its missiles to collide with it.

Mothership & Queen Alien

  • Map: Fort Jeep

The Mothership is an enormous spacecraft that will hover around the arena and attempt to target your Hypercores directly. Its constant movement makes it challenging to capture, as it will constantly change its location. Once it has exhausted its energy, the Queen Alien will be expelled from the vessel.

The Mothership in Hypercharge Unboxed
Digital Cybercherries

You can gain advantage of the Mothership if you find a place to shoot if from above.

Destroying the Mothership can be somewhat challenging due to its strong structure, therefore it is recommended to use the Grenade Launcher to effectively dismantle it. On the other hand, the Queen Alien is not as resilient and can be taken down quickly with a high-speed AR.

LED Blimp

  • Map: Adventure Dunes

The L.E.D Blimp is a massive airship designed to release numerous enemies and bombs as it circles the sky. Although it presents a small moving target, its powerful weapons are capable of inflicting heavy damage on anything in its path.

L.E.D Blimp in Hypercharge: Unboxed
Digital Cybercherries/Josh Lennen

You’ll quickly see the L.E.D Blimp when it starts hovering above you.

To successfully defeat the L.E.D Blimp, it is recommended to take cover and prioritize taking down the blimp before facing any other enemies. While using a Machine Gun is effective against enemies, it is best to use the Pulse Cannon specifically for taking down the Blimp.


  • All maps are included, except for Funderdom and Airhockey shuffle.

The Demolisher is a highly resilient robot designed to target and eliminate all of your Hypercores. According to its official description, the only weak spot on the robot is its head, which is protected by a shield that is only lowered when firing its laser cannon.

The Demolisher in Hypercharge Unboxed
Digital Cybercherries

The Demolisher will try to directly charge against your cores.

To effectively defeat the Demolisher, it is crucial to concentrate on targeting its head. Therefore, it is recommended to use a weapon with high accuracy, such as the Sniper, Ice Blaster, or Pulse Cannon, to eliminate the enemy.


The map includes No. 2, Big Trouble in Little Hallway, and Operation Alley.

The Brobot, equipped with an arm cannon, is renowned for its speed and tendency to aggressively charge at enemies, initiating a melee battle. It is advised to steer clear of its powerful arm cannon.

Brobot in Hypercharge: Unboxed
Digital Cybercherries

You’ll have to go against two Brobots depending on the map you are playing.

Due to the Brobot’s exceptional mobility, it is recommended to use weapons such as the Minigun or Laser gun while attacking from elevated positions. This strategy will enable you to continuously shoot while easily maneuvering to different locations.

Cargo Plane

  • Map: Toy Palace and Garden of Devil

The Cargo Plane is a heavily armored aerial boss with a slow pace. Its primary function is troop transport, and it will release Army Men onto the battlefield as it traverses the arena.

Cargo Plane in Hypercharge Unboxed
Digital Cybercherries

The Cargo Plane is one of the first bosses to be introduced in Hypercharge: Unboxed.

As the boss will remain at a high altitude, it may be challenging to reach. To defeat it, attempt to climb to a high level and use a Laser gun to shoot it while it is passing by.

Major Evil

  • Map: Rental Lair

The primary antagonist in Hypercharge: Unboxed is Major Evil, known for their ability to leap long distances, launch rockets, and charge at you with a deadly melee attack.

Major Evil in Hypercharge Unboxed
Digital Cybercherries

There’s not much that can really stop Major Evil.

To effectively handle Major Evil, it is crucial to prioritize mobility and keep him within your sight. Equipping a Laser gun or a Machine Gun is beneficial, even if it does not inflict significant damage, as it enables you to maneuver and reposition yourself in case Major Evil charges towards you.

That concludes our discussion on the bosses in Hypercharge: Unboxed. For further information on Digital Cybercherries’ FPS, you can refer to our review of the most recent XBox release or learn how to obtain all medals on your journey.

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