The long-awaited arrival of Hypercharge: Unboxed on Xbox has finally happened. One of the six developers responsible for the vibrant shooter has shared their future plans for the series, which includes a release on PlayStation and the potential for a sequel or prequel.
Since its debut on PC in 2017, fans of the popular action figure shooting game, Hypercharge: Unboxed, have eagerly awaited its release on console. The wait is finally over as it has now launched on Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S, with over 25,000 copies sold in just a few days.
According to Joe Henson, founder and Head of PR and Marketing at Digital Cybercherries, the six-person team is not content with their current progress and has many more ideas and goals to achieve.
In a recent interview with CharlieIntel, he disclosed that their next goal after the Xbox release is to develop a PlayStation version, which they aim to have ready “by the end of this year”or “early next year.”He also mentioned that the team has been working with the PS4 and PS5 devkit for a while now and since they have completed all the necessary features, the transition should be seamless and quicker compared to the jump from PC to Xbox.
After the release of the game on Sony platforms, the team intends to upgrade the Switch version to match the capabilities of the other consoles. This will help to unite the player base by enabling full crossplay support.

Hypercharge: Unboxed lets you see the world from a toy’s perspective.
Despite the likelihood of this keeping the developers occupied for the foreseeable future, Henson disclosed their plans to enhance Hypercharge: Unboxed with additional game modes and requested features. Among the concepts being considered is an “endless”mode, in which players must battle increasingly difficult waves of toys without end.
In addition, Henson indicated that a new installment of the Hypercharge series may potentially be released at a later time.
“Perhaps we will release the game mode and decide to shift our focus towards developing a sequel or prequel,”stated the dev. They also mentioned that they may be compelled to consider a new game due to technical constraints after dedicating a significant amount of time to the current project.
“According to him, Hypercharge is a valuable gem in terms of its potential for new mechanics and features. While there are many features they would like to incorporate, there are limitations. Creating a sequel or prequel would allow them to include all of the exciting ideas they have.”
Although the details are still unclear, it appears that Hypercharge fans will have an exciting future ahead as a new Hypercharge version is in the works. In the meantime, while we eagerly await more information, be sure to take a look at the top weapons and controller settings for Hypercharge: Unboxed.
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