HyunA’s ‘Weight Gain’ Amid Controversy Sparks Debate: ‘Clearly Stopped Taking Care Of Herself’

HyunA’s most recent photos caused a buzz in an online community, where the main topic of discussion among netizens was her weight and appearance.

On July 26, K-netz created a discussion board titled “Wow, HyunA Has Gained So Much Weight.”The original poster (OP) shared two photos of HyunA in public wearing casual clothing. However, the author and majority of netizens commented mainly on her appearance, with many stating that she appeared to have gained weight.

According to the comments section, netizens have pointed out the sudden “changes”in her appearance, sparking pregnancy rumors. Others have argued that her weight gain is simply a normal and healthy one, stating that she looks better now than before. Additionally, netizens have brought up her relationship with Yong Junhyung, which was made public in January. Since then, HyunA’s reputation and image have taken a hit, as Yong Junhyung was linked to the Burning Sun Scandal in 2019. See what netizens have to say in the comments below:

HyunA's 'Weight Gain' Amid Controversy Sparks Discussion: 'Clearly Stopped Taking Care Of Herself'
(Photo: pann.nate)
HyunA's 'Weight Gain' Amid Controversy Sparks Discussion: 'Clearly Stopped Taking Care Of Herself'
(Photo: pann.nate)
  • “Is she pregnant?”
  • “The reason HyunA is disliked by the public now is because she’s marrying the guy who kept watching the gang r**e videos and it just proves they’re birds of a feather.”
  • “What? She was always super thin, so it’s obvious if she gains any weight. Right now, she’s just between slim and average, right?”
  • “Despite losing all respect for her because she’s sticking with a criminal, she looks much better now than when she was so skinny she could faint.”
  • “The severe forward head posture and rounded shoulders really show she doesn’t take care of herself.”
  • “Looks like she doesn’t exercise at all. Clearly stopped taking care of herself.”
  • “The tattoos make her look even worse.”

On another platform, as well as X (Twitter), international fans had a wide range of reactions.

  • “I’m not one to speculate and entertain this whole pregnancy bs but it would make sense why she’s marrying that creep so early on in their relationship.”
  • “F**k her and her shi**y boyfriend but body shaming her is not it. There are so many valid things to criticize. Come on.”
  • “Poor child. Imagine having these two as your parents.”
  • “I don’t think she’s pregnant. It looks like normal weight gain. I do hope she’s not pregnant though, because the poor child will suffer from having a sexual abuser for a father and HyunA for a mother.”
  • “She is not pregnant, she was literally just having beer with her staff two minutes ago, and her wedding is in October. “
  • “Please stop. It’s disrespectful as f**k to keep speculating about someone’s pregnancy and body like this.”

Do you have any thoughts on this? Feel free to share them in the comments section below.

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