I can’t tolerate it anymore Hwang Jung-eum sued for defamation by woman mistaken as her husband’s affair partner

The Seoul Nowon Police Station announced on June 22nd that a defamation complaint had been filed against Hwang on June 20th.

Hwang Jung-eum’s representatives offered to pay half of the settlement amount in two installments, to which I agreed as the money was not the primary concern.

Despite the problems caused by the settlement agreement presented by Hwang Jung-eum’s side, it was lacking an acknowledgment from her that she had defamed and insulted the victim.

Furthermore, A expressed dissatisfaction with the agreement, citing an unreasonable provision that stated the victim would be responsible for paying twice the settlement amount if they were to break any of the terms.

Despite Hwang Jung-eum’s apology, A still questioned her sincerity and felt that she was only interested in the settlement money. A ultimately decided to take legal action, stating, “I reached a breaking point and made the decision to file a lawsuit.”

Hwang Jung-eum had previously shared a post on social media in which she made a hurtful comment, saying “You ugly girl. Please marry Young-don. Can’t you just divorce me and go to Bangkok?”She also reposted A’s message about their upcoming trip to Bangkok, which included a note of gratitude towards Lee Young-don.

Despite Hwang Jung-eum’s swift deletion of the post, it had already gone viral, exposing A’s identity. A explained that it was a misunderstanding caused by the nickname “Lee Young-don”and requested an apology from Hwang Jung-eum.

On April 4th, Hwang Jung-eum’s management company Y-ONE ENTERTAINMENT released an apology, expressing, “We extend our sincerest apologies to all those impacted by Hwang Jung-eum’s personal social media post.”

The agency stated that Hwang Jung-eum deeply regrets the incident caused by her negligence and takes full responsibility. They earnestly request the public’s understanding and urge them to refrain from further speculation and making malicious comments.

They requested that any posts containing personal information be deleted to prevent further harm, clarifying that the person identified by Hwang Jung-eum as her affair partner is not connected to her husband.

Meanwhile, in February, Hwang Jung-eum filed for divorce from Lee Young-don for the second time.

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