Iconic Team Rocket duo have been missing from Pokemon Go for too long

It is highly probable that if you were to ask a Pokemon enthusiast to identify an influential antagonist, Jessie and James would be among the top names that come to mind.

Jessie, James, and Meowth first made their debut in the Pokemon anime, quickly gaining a devoted fan base within the community despite their role as villains. Known for their lovable and eccentric personalities, anything featuring their likeness is highly sought after by fans, including cards and merchandise.

The popular pairing of Jessie and James (apologies to Meowth) has made several appearances in Pokemon Go in the past, and fans are eagerly hoping for their return to Niantic’s beloved mobile game.

The return of this duo in Pokemon Go sparked a conversation among fans thanks to content creator @PoGo_Central. They initiated a discussion online and shared a useful graphic detailing the previous appearances of the characters in the game, leading to a demand for their return.

Upon noticing the absence of the legendary pair in Pokemon Go, several players were surprised by how much time had passed. In disbelief, one fan exclaimed, “Wow, has it really been that long?”

Another player playfully teased Niantic for their apparent preference for the Kanto Region, joking, “We never get to see any other part of Kanto. I suppose they’re more focused on their newer bosses now.”However, Team Rocket remains a prominent presence in the game, with bosses such as Sierra and Arlo.

Some fans suggested ways for the dynamic duo to make a comeback in the game, but others noted that it may not be logical since Jessie and James are no longer part of the Pokemon anime.

A Pokemon Go enthusiast proposed, “Including them in both the Pokemon Day and PoGo Anniversary events would be a great idea. Having them appear once or twice a year is sufficient. They offered a refreshing change from the usual Grunts we encounter.”

One person also commented, “It will be intriguing to see how they handle a potential comeback since they are no longer part of the main anime. It might have to be a movie tie-in or something similar.”

Regardless of whether you are eagerly anticipating a Jessie and James event or are nonchalant about their potential return, it is undeniable that there is a sense of transformation happening in Pokemon Go at the moment. This is further amplified by the latest news about Dynamax that has been circulating in the community.

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