“If my dive wasn’t canceled…”: YouTuber DALLMYD shares footage showing Titanic submarine malfunctioning days before it went missing

Popular YouTuber Jake “DALLMYD”has released a video sharing exclusive footage of the fateful Titanic submarine that was recently found to have imploded with five people inside under the sea. The video is from a similar expedition from days ago that was canceled due to bad weather and technical difficulties, with Jake implying that had the dive not been canceled, he might also have met a similar fate.

The whole world had been waiting for news about the missing submarine Titan operated by OceaonGate ever since the authorities lost contact on Sunday. Only after a couple of days was the news made public that the US Navy had detected a sound consistent with a submarine’s implosion on the day the Mission 5 of the Titanic expedition lost contact with Titan.

DALLMYD explained that while the accident occurred on Mission 5, he and his partner had gone on Mission 3 of the expedition, which had occurred a few weeks beforehand:

“With the whole world watching the rescue efforts of the missing submarine around the Titanic, I thought I’d share my experience of Mission 3 just a few weeks ago and if my dive wasn’t canceled it could have been me inside that submarine…”

The YouTuber would go on to clarify that despite being on separate missions, the footage shows the exact submarine that went missing and imploded:

“What you’re about to watch is footage from Mission 3 days before the submersible went missing on Mission 5. It has taken place on the exact same ship and I was also in the exact same submersible that is missing today.”

The YouTuber originally planned to release a video documenting his experience aboard the Titanic Expedition. However, in light of the recent events, his footage of the submarine’s apparent malfunctions has been gaining traction with viewers.

DALLMYD’s YouTube video reveals Titanic submarine was malfunctioning weeks before it went missing and imploded

Jake and his partner Kyndell were on the OceanGate Titanic Expedition Mission 3. The main attraction of this nine-day-long journey is a deep-sea submarine dive to the wreckage of the famous ship Titanic. Global attention is currently on the company after the tragic accident where five people, including the CEO of the company Stockton Rush, lost their lives.

However, at the time of recording, the YouTuber had no idea, and his footage includes two of the people who would lose their lives weeks later:

“Here’s a shot of Stockton, the owner of Ocean Expeditions, signing a flag, and also here’s a shot of PH signing a flag. Both Stockton and PH passed away in the submersible just recently on Mission 5. But these are two out of the five people who passed away.”

DALLMYD’s footage also reveals that the submarine which is supposed to take them to the Titanic, called Titan, was having issues with its controls during their expedition. Due to some malfunction during his time there, the YouTuber couldn’t participate in a test dive.


DALLMYD’s video has clips of one of the employees of OceanGate explaining what was wrong, saying that the computers which control the thrusters were “acting up.”

“Everybody’s ready to go and one of the computers, we’ve got two spheres, two computers, that control a lot of the thrusters and one of them was acting up a little bit. It was offline, they restarted it, and it came back online but some of the functionality wasn’t exactly as we’d hoped. That coupled with some winds, and a little choppy seas, we decided to scrub the dive for today.”

The CEO Stockton Rush also explained to the Titanic Expedition why he had decided to call off the dive, saying there was a “control problem”on the submarine which needed to be fixed:

“So, it just didn’t seem quite right, to put it bluntly, and that’s why I called it. But mostly because we’ve got to find out what this control problem is that’s sort of important controlling the sub it’s up there with life support and so we’ll be working tonight on that.”

YouTube comments under the video (Image via DALLMYD/YouTube)
YouTube comments under the video (Image via DALLMYD/YouTube)

Readers should note that the actual reason for the missing submarine is unknown, and DALLMYD himself states that the malfunction during his expedition may not be the reason for the implosion. They were having problems nonetheless:

“Your guess is as best as mine I’m not too sure exactly if this is the main reason why the tragic incident happened and everyone lost their lives you know it could have been anything. Long story short, every day they did have some problems and we tried to fix every little thing to make sure everything was perfect for our opportunity to dive…”

The Titanic submarine can also be seen malfunctioning on camera later in the video when one of their dives closer to shore is cut short after it failed to eject from its platform.

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