Ill Effects of IVF Treatments on Son Dam-bi’s Body

A video titled “The Reason I Suddenly Gained 7kg”was uploaded on the YouTube channel “DambiXon”on June 19th.

During the video, Son Dam-bi revealed, “I have a very swollen face. It’s only 8:30 in the morning and I already need to get up,”while showing her morning appearance.

“She explained, “I decided to begin IVF. I spent a lot of time considering how to approach the topic. Unfortunately, the initial try was unsuccessful.”

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She stated, “This is my second try and I’m currently receiving injections. Today marks the fourth day of receiving them. My husband (Lee Kyu-hyuk) usually administers the injections, but he is not available today, so I am doing it myself.”

Despite not being successful on the first try, Son Dam-bi remained optimistic and did not become too discouraged. She acknowledged that her age may have played a factor and therefore did not have high expectations, but was still disappointed with the outcome.

“As she spoke, she expressed, “My spouse and I hold onto the belief that if we truly have faith in it, it will come to fruition eventually. I was overcome with emotions when our initial try was unsuccessful. However, with our second attempt, I am gaining valuable insights from this journey.”

“In addition, she mentioned, “Although I wasn’t infertile, my husband and I decided on IVF due to both of our ages.”

She stressed the importance of having her husband’s support throughout the process, despite the fact that she is not infertile and the first attempt was unsuccessful. She has been gaining valuable insights and experiences along the way, acknowledging that it is a difficult journey. Husbands play a crucial role in providing support during this time.

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Son Dam-bi shared that her current weight gain of over 7kg is a result of undergoing IVF treatments. She also mentioned that her doctor had advised her to gain weight after the first attempt, as she was too thin. As a result, she is now the heaviest she has ever been in her life and has noticed some bruising due to the injections.

During IVF, she warned that the hormones may cause you to gain belly fat and experience swelling. Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent this. She advised against looking in the mirror during this time.

In 2007, Son Dam-bi began her music career with the release of the single “Cry Eye”.

Her fame rose with successful songs such as “Crazy” , “On a Saturday Night” and “Queen” . In 2009, she made her acting debut in the 2009 SBS TV Monday-Tuesday drama “Dream” and continued to appear in various dramas including “Lights and Shadows” (2011), “What Happens to My Family?” (2014), “Mrs. Cop 2” (2016), and most recently, “When the Camellia Blooms” (2019)…

In 2022, Son Dam-bi tied the knot with Lee Kyu-hyuk (46), a former speed skater.

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