Imu and the Void Century Theory

The Void Century is an integral yet enigmatic aspect of the One Piece narrative. It encompasses a hundred-year span that has deliberately been erased from historical records. This lost era holds significant significance in comprehending the overarching story, though its specifics remain undisclosed.

Despite the secrecy surrounding the Void Century, Saint Imu is one of the few individuals who possesses knowledge about it. As the powerful leader of the World Government, there is speculation that Imu may be safeguarding a portion of the Void Century’s history in a unique dimension that is under their sole control. This dimension, known as the “void,”could be utilized by Imu to conceal the ancient secrets from the rest of the world.

The Mystery of Imu’s Connection to the Void Century in One Piece

Saint Imu (Image via Toei Animation)
Saint Imu (Image via Toei Animation)

Imu is an enigmatic figure who wields power over even the highest authorities of the World Government. He is among the select few in One Piece who are believed to possess extensive knowledge about the Void Century.

The belief that Imu has safeguarded the Ancient Kingdom in another dimension is based on the belief that he possesses extraordinary abilities that have yet to be unveiled. The notion of a void, a place of nothingness where time remains frozen, supports the idea that the real events of the Void Century have been deliberately concealed.

One Piece: The Concept of Void

Imu may have been preserving the Giant Straw Hat in his dimension (Image via Shueisha)
Imu may have been preserving the Giant Straw Hat in his dimension (Image via Shueisha)

In the world of One Piece, this void can be understood as a place where time stands still and where remnants of the past can remain intact forever. The term “mu,”meaning emptiness in Japanese, further emphasizes this idea, implying that Imu’s name is closely connected to the notion of an empty and eternal space.

Despite the Void Century being largely erased from historical records, it is possible that Imu did not destroy the Ancient Kingdom, but rather concealed it in an alternate dimension. This dimension, unlike the physical world, would exist outside of the constraints of time, preserving the ancient structures, texts, and possibly even inhabitants in their original state.

Ancient Preserved Locations in One Piece: Clues and Signifiers

Ancient Wano as shown in the manga (Image via Shueisha)
Ancient Wano as shown in the manga (Image via Shueisha)

Oda has included numerous clues throughout One Piece that reinforce the concept of concealed dimensions and well-preserved ancient sites.

Enel’s revelation of an underground city on Vearth serves as a prominent illustration. Similarly, the expeditions of Nico Robin, Kozuki Sukiyaki, and Trafalgar Law to Ancient Wano require delving into the depths to unveil obscured realities. These occurrences imply a trend in which the most significant and age-old mysteries are not annihilated, but rather concealed in hard-to-reach locations.

The concept of hidden dimensions is reinforced by the presence of characters possessing spatial abilities, such as Brûlée’s Mirror World and Blueno’s Door Door Fruit. These powers serve as evidence that the anime’s universe contains alternate dimensions, providing credibility to the possibility of Imu possessing a similar, yet potentially stronger, ability.

Exploring the Symbolism of the Dragon and Warship Island in One Piece

Cover page of the filler arc of the series (Image via Toei Animation)
Cover page of the filler arc of the series (Image via Toei Animation)

In the anime series, there is an early filler episode that follows the story of an ancient dragon in search of Warship Island. The dragon’s ultimate goal is to reach the island, where it can experience death and rebirth. This journey to a hidden location beneath the island, which only rises every thousand years, holds a symbolic connection to the concept of the Ancient Kingdom being preserved in a void.

The marines pursuing the dragon are convinced that its bones possess the power of immortality, a notion that aligns with Imu’s potential desire for eternal life or preservation through his manipulation of the void realm.

One Piece: Imu’s Abilities May Be Similar to Obito’s Kamui in Naruto

Obito Uchiha using his Kamui in the Naruto anime (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Obito Uchiha using his Kamui in the Naruto anime (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Imu’s potential to manipulate a void dimension is comparable to Uchiha Obito’s Kamui technique in the Naruto series. This ability allowed Obito to create a distinct realm where time and the laws of physics did not apply. Imu could potentially use this void dimension as a sanctuary for the remnants of the Ancient Kingdom, preserving this era as a precious memory or memento.

Imu’s name, with its inclusion of the word “mu”meaning nothingness in Japanese, further strengthens the symbolic connection to the void. This enigmatic and seemingly all-powerful presence that Imu possesses in the anime’s world is also in line with his potential ability to manipulate and create a void dimension.

Final thoughts

Saint Imu sits on the Empty Throne (Image via Toei Animation)
Saint Imu sits on the Empty Throne (Image via Toei Animation)

The idea that Imu holds a portion of the Void Century within his own void is a convincing theory, which is backed by many clues and storytelling decisions by Eiichiro Oda in the series. Through analyzing the symbolism of voids, the importance of concealed ancient sites, and the powers of characters with spatial manipulation abilities, fans can construct a rational understanding of how the secrets of the Void Century have been safeguarded.

Imu’s ability to manipulate a void dimension not only offers an explanation for the deliberate erasure of the Void Century, but also adds complexity to his character and the overarching narrative. This concept prompts fans to view the world of One Piece through various lenses, challenging the intentions and capabilities of its enigmatic figures and unveiling the layers of its intricate and fascinating past.

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