In the Korean entertainment industry, people are scolded for nothing more than love! Yin Ruzhen dared to say: Why do actresses have to wear dresses and pose with their arms akimbo for photos?

(Cover image source: TV DAILY)

Only Yin Ruzhen dares to say this!

The “28th Busan International Film Festival”was held grandly in Busan a few days ago. National actor Yin Ruzhen was invited to appear and participated in the “Yin Ruzhen’s Actor’s House”interview. During the photo shoot before the interview, Yin Ruzhen did not pose in any special pose, just standing. Yin Ruzhen explained: “I am 77 years old, and I just want to live and die as I want. Why do actresses have to wear dresses? You must put your hands on your waist and pose for photos? Just take photos of me like this…”

As a veteran in the Korean film and television drama industry for more than 50 years, and the only actress in the Korean film industry to win the “Oscar Award”for Best Supporting Actress, one can imagine Yin Ruzhen’s status in South Korea. She has always been very popular. Dare to speak out, she also revealed in this interview that she is not adaptable to some traditional habits in Korean society, “In my own opinion, I am a woman with serious problems, and it is not easy to survive in our country. Everyone treats me like In fact, the reaction to my acting style is very average. Many people think I am strange, and I think so too.”Yin Ruzhen feels that winning the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress did not bring much change to herself, “It’s just that there are a few more things that make me The phone call to do something, nothing else has changed, I didn’t get the bonus, nothing has changed, and I’m trying not to change.”

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