Indiana Jones and the Great Circle has officially made its debut, delivering an engaging adventure that pays homage to the beloved character. This latest installment follows the legendary treasure hunter on a globe-trotting quest to thwart the nefarious Emmerich Voss and the Nazi Party, who seek to harness the power of an ancient artifact with devastating potential.
While the game’s conclusion unravels the enigma of the Great Circle, it cleverly leaves open avenues for future adventures. In fact, MachineGames, the developer behind the title, has confirmed the upcoming release of a DLC titled The Order of the Giants.
What Will The Indiana Jones DLC Include?
The Order of the Giants is poised to expand on the intriguing mysteries surrounding the Vatican, which serves as a pivotal locale for the game’s storyline. As one of the central settings in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, the Vatican lays the groundwork for the adventures that unfold.
The Vatican plays a crucial role in the overarching mystery of the game.
Within the narrative, Indy teams up with Locus, a Giant committed to safeguarding the ancient artifact’s power from malevolent forces. Despite the conclusion of the main game, the origins of the Giants remain shrouded in mystery. The upcoming DLC promises to delve deeper into their background, providing fans with additional context and lore.
According to game director Torvenius, the expansion will be distinctly story-driven, with a release anticipated in early 2025, although an exact date has yet to be confirmed. With the main game successfully launched, the focus at MachineGames is now on crafting this new narrative content.
“The plan is to create an exciting adventure that is worthy of Indiana’s legacy,” Torvenius remarked, highlighting the developers’ commitment to maintaining the game’s adventurous spirit throughout this new chapter.
Will The Order of the Giants DLC Require Purchase?
The Order of the Giants is slated for an early 2025 release.
It has been confirmed that The Order of the Giants will be a paid DLC. This decision aligns with the developer’s initiative to provide a new, story-driven experience, which fans generally expect to have a price associated with such expansions.
While specific pricing details remain under wraps, the Digital Premium Edition Upgrade is currently listed at $34.99 USD, offering fans insight into the potential cost of the upcoming content.
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