Instagram Chef’s Bizarre Pasta Salad Made in a Trash Bag Sparks Controversy

According to critics, Instagram chef @katewilltryanything has earned the label of “monster”for her unconventional pasta salad, which includes whole baby carrots and is prepared in a trash bag.

Despite the backlash she receives online, Kate Heintzelman continues to proudly share her quintessentially American cooking, which often includes an aluminum tray, a full block of orange cheese, and multiple sticks of butter.

Nevertheless, this pasta salad went too far, causing concern among others about her hygiene standards.

The video showcases Kate as she adds cooked pasta, chopped tomatoes, peppers, sweetcorn, white onion, olives, and surprisingly, a whole bag of baby carrots, into a white trash bag.

Following that, she adds an entire bag of pepperoni, a large quantity of Costco shredded cheese, minced garlic, and a whole bottle of Olive Garden Italian salad dressing to complete it.

The most surprising moment occurs when she ties the trash bag in a knot and flips it over, thoroughly mixing all the ingredients. Afterwards, she unties the bag and uses a glass bowl to scoop out some of the “salad”directly from the bag.

Pasta salad in a trash bag.

The pasta salad has people’s stomaches churning.

Although the bag appears to be clean and straight out of the pack, watching the preparation process is not at all appetizing.

A comment was made by someone, advising, “Kate, keep it in the bag and bring it to the trash can immediately!”

“Another person agreed with this sentiment, stating, “This is the reason why we no longer have potluck events at work.”

Many others expressed significant concern for the chef’s well-being, pointing out that the bag may have been scented or contaminated with something. One person remarked, “I would have applauded if you had done it in a bowl, but garbage bags often have a powdery residue that is not safe to consume. It’s frustrating.”

Many individuals in the comment section have accused Kate of deliberately creating ‘rage bait’ food videos to incite angry reactions and gain viral attention.

Is this just another rage-bait food video?

Since 2023, rage bait food videos have become a widespread trend on social media and gained even more attention when TikToker Tanara Mallory went viral with her critiques of unconventional cooking. Her catchphrase, “Everybody’s so creative!”, which she used ironically to express her shock at the videos, only added to their popularity.


@Tungsten you’re on your way to becoming the Next Culinary Mastermind 🤣 #TheNotFamousChef #comedy #nyquil #donttrythisathomekids #cookingmaster

♬ OMG – White Gangster

The videos show people preparing food that is practically inedible due to their unconventional cooking techniques, using questionable hygiene practices, or including ingredients that should never be part of a meal, such as NyQuil chicken.

Fundamentally, they are catering to our innate desire to witness a disaster despite our awareness that we should divert our attention, resulting in their content becoming widely shared when we are unable to resist angrily typing in the comments.

In addition to this strange food video, there are numerous others circulating the internet, including one where individuals are creating chicken fried watermelon.

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