Instructions for Saving Highlights in Marvel Rivals

Discover the steps to preserving your match highlights in Marvel Rivals, allowing you to impress your friends with your flawless team kill.

Congratulations, you have successfully eliminated an entire team with Scarlet Witch’s ultimate ability, or even revived your fallen teammates with Adam Warlock, completely changing the outcome of the battle in Marvel Rivals.

However, is it possible to preserve them for future viewing or to easily share them with your friends? Continue reading to discover the method for accessing and saving your highlights in Marvel Rivals.

Viewing and Saving Highlights in Marvel Rivals

A screenshot featuring the highlight tab in Marvel Rivals.
netease / marvel

The Highlight tab in Marvel Rivals will show you some of the recent highlight-worthy clips from your past matches.

To locate your highlights in the Marvel Rivals Closed Beta, simply go to the Highlight tab within the game. Follow the instructions below to view them:

  1. In the main menu, select your profile icon located at the top right corner.
  2. Choose the Highlight tab.
  3. Under the highlighted section, click on the Save button to save your selection.
  4. Alter the match highlight settings to your liking.
  5. When you are ready, click Confirm.

Simply wait a little while for the highlight saving process to complete. You can then either access the saved location as directed by the game or click the “Open file directory”button for immediate access.

In addition to watching your highlights, you can also view replays of your matches by accessing the History tab, located just before the Highlight tab when you click on your profile icon. This allows you to watch previous matches from different players’ perspectives and gain insight into how they approach playing certain heroes.

Furthermore, Marvel Rivals offers a function that allows you to view the highlights of other players. Simply click on their character after the match has ended to access this feature.

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