Interview with ADOR Sexual Harassment Director A: I Didn’t Do It

Former employee B, who used to work for ADOR, accused Director A of making abusive comments and sexually harassing her. B presented herself as the victim and even created a social media account to share details about the sexual harassment allegations.

Sports World approached director A, who was identified by B as the culprit, to conduct an interview.

Below is the full interview in detail.

Q: Are you referred to as “Min Hee-jin’s right-hand man”?
A: I have only been with the company since February 1st of this year, so it is impossible for me to hold such a title. My interactions with CEO Min at HYBE were limited to only two or three times, therefore I did not have a close relationship with her. Despite this, ever since the articles were published, people have been labeling me as such, which I find absurd and troubling. There have even been false articles circulating with similar misinformation. During HYBE’s investigation, they were fully aware that I was not CEO Min’s right-hand man, yet they still asked me, “How close are you with CEO Min to

secret male

What actions did you take during your time at HYBE and what prompted your transition to ADOR?

After spending 4 years in HYBE’s finance department, I suffered a panic disorder caused by the pressure from my boss and had to be hospitalized in an ambulance. As a result, I made the difficult decision to leave the company. Recently, I was informed about a director position opening at ADOR and upon the recommendation of a friend, I joined the company earlier this year. I was hopeful that I could gain valuable experience at this label, but to my dismay, the place I dedicated my time to is now turning against me. This has left me feeling deeply upset.

Q: In regards to the suspicion of sexual harassment, B has identified you as the perpetrator.

A: I have never engaged in any form of sexual harassment towards B. B stated that she felt uncomfortable when I invited her to a drinking event that she did not want to attend, citing her role as a “young woman”in charge of the task. However, I did not use any such language. Furthermore, the gathering was a business meeting where B, as the person in charge of the task, had a specific agenda to discuss, including event feedback, long-term plans, and partnerships.

Can you remember the events of that day?

Our original intention was to dine and browse the store. However, the advertiser’s request for a table at a Chinese restaurant was not possible as it was fully booked. As a result, we decided to go to an izakaya restaurant instead. In order to keep B informed, I gave her the option to leave early and choose from three possibilities: 1. We all leave together, 2. Finish the meal and then leave, or 3. Finish the meal, browse the store, and then leave. I was taken aback when B abruptly resigned and accused me of sexual harassment.

Were you given any written notification by HYBE HR regarding sexual harassment?

The determination was that it was challenging to classify it as sexual harassment.

What is the status of the investigation into workplace bullying?

Establishing a charge was equally challenging.

B accused you of being the sole person who provided her with a negative evaluation.

There are two evaluations scheduled during a 6-month internship, with one conducted every three months. Upon joining the company, I learned that B’s intern evaluation results had already been announced, and her performance did not meet the required standards.

Did you extend another job offer to B after she departed from the company?

When CEO Min proposed reconciliation, I was determined to make it work. As a result, I offered B a position where she could excel without having to interact with me, as I was worried about making her feel uncomfortable. B expressed interest in the offer, but ultimately declined.

Why did you apologize if you believe you did nothing wrong?

Upon reflection, I realized that my method of communication was meant to offer comfort to a former subordinate. I was concerned that the issue at hand would lead to public scrutiny and I wanted to avoid that. I also considered that B may have shared the same sentiment, so I reached out to her out of a sense of responsibility.

Q: There were reports claiming that you retracted your apology.

My apology was never intended to come across as an admission of guilt. I clearly stated that I did not admit to any allegations, but B cleverly manipulated and misrepresented this as me retracting my apology.

Are you intending to initiate legal proceedings against B?

As a director, I was suddenly branded as a bully and accused of sexual harassment by an employee. I reached out to B to request that the false articles be corrected, but unfortunately, she did not take any action. It seems that I will have to file a complaint in order to clear my name and refute these unfounded allegations.

According to reports, B claimed there were 11 more incidents of workplace harassment.

I may hold the director position, but I want to clarify that I am not an executive like B. I am a regular employee and I have the right to voice my concerns. I was also deeply troubled by the situation.

What was the reason for the grievances?

When it became necessary to adjust salaries, I was always upfront and honest about it. I would say, “We need to make some salary adjustments, as you are currently earning more than me.”However, it was difficult for me when she asked, “Why do you get paid so little?”in a rude manner. Moreover, I was shocked when I came across long Kakaotalk messages where she showed great respect towards CEO Min, but spoke poorly of me. She went around seeking negative opinions about me from different people and shared them all. I was taken aback by all the malicious comments. It was hard to believe that someone who had expressed gratitude and appreciation for working with me would be talking badly about me behind my back.

What was the reason for not coming forward earlier?

Despite the unfairness of the situation, I was too afraid to become the center of a dispute because I am a powerless individual. With the false sexual harassment report having been confirmed and the situation seemingly resolved, I had no response to give B. However, I could no longer tolerate B’s continued false allegations against me. I am the true victim, not B.

Is there anything you would like to convey to B?

I have numerous questions to ask her instead of just making a statement. If you believe that I wronged you, you can take legal action against me. What motivated you to post on social media? Why are you making baseless attacks against me? What was your purpose in accusing me when it was confirmed that the reports were untrue? And so on.

The final statement you wish to make?

I’m exhausted of constantly discussing the Kakaotalk conversation. The dissemination of false information is becoming overwhelming. My messages on Kakaotalk are being manipulated and exploited. It’s alarming to have a major corporation target me in this manner, especially since my private messages were illegally leaked.

This information was retrieved from Nate news on August 19, 2024.

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