Introducing ALL(H)OURS: The Next Boy Group To ‘SHOCK’ The K-Pop Industry

Despite being active in the K-pop scene for only a little over six months, ALL(H)OURS has already distinguished themselves from their competition with their rookie passion and love for music. It is undeniable that they are poised to become the next dominant boy group in the K-pop industry.

Despite the call lasting for more than two hours – extending past midnight in South Korea – the seven members exhibited no signs of fatigue. On the contrary, they were filled with excitement as they enthusiastically discussed their most recent mini-album, “WITNESS,”along with the lead single “SHOCK”and the other tracks they had dropped. It was invigorating to hear a group so passionate about their craft.

The release of “WITNESS”marks the group’s first comeback since their debut, and the album includes a variety of lively songs that highlight the distinct styles of the group. When discussing the contrast in their preparations for this comeback compared to their debut, Xayden shared the following thoughts,

“During our first performance, our main goal was to highlight the songs and dances that we had been diligently rehearsing. However, with our second album, we gained valuable experience and realized the significance of even the slightest facial expressions on stage. We were mindful of our appearance through the camera lens and made a conscious effort to hide any signs of exhaustion while executing challenging choreography. I believe these are areas in which we have greatly improved.”

Introducing ALL(H)OURS: The Next Boy Group To 'SHOCK' The K-Pop Industry
Introducing ALL(H)OURS: The Next Boy Group To ‘SHOCK’ The K-Pop Industry(Photo : EDEN Entertainment)

“While EDM and Drift Phonk are not typically associated with K-pop, ALL(H)OURS embraced the opportunity to incorporate these genres in their latest release “SHOCK.”Member Youmin explained the reasoning behind their decision to go with a fast-paced track for their comeback, stating, “We wanted to showcase our limitless potential and determination with this comeback. We felt that a high-energy song would be the perfect way to convey this message and connect with our audience.”

N: spoke of the exhilarating experience of pushing themselves to try a new genre, stating, “The most enjoyable aspect of preparing our title track ‘SHOCK’ was the opportunity to explore Drift Phonk, a genre deeply rooted in the EDM scene. The process of researching and delving into this style was thrilling. Furthermore, creating a performance for the song involved extensive discussions on how to execute it, making the entire journey even more intriguing. When we take the stage, the incorporation of EDM elements truly enhances our enjoyment.”

When questioned about the message they wished to convey through “SHOCK,”ON:N expressed their desire to showcase the inner “goblin”within themselves. The group’s performance aimed to convey a feeling of liberation and originality. With the song belonging to the energetic Drift Phonk genre, their goal was for fans to listen, become exhilarated, and enjoy the experience together.

Introducing ALL(H)OURS: The Next Boy Group To 'SHOCK' The K-Pop Industry
L-R: Kunho, ON:N(Photo : EDEN Entertainment)

Xayden elaborated on their original concept of a “goblin,”clarifying, “In addition, our ‘goblin’ persona serves as a reflection of our inner beings, allowing us to convey our potential for growth. The deliberate choice to embody a goblin was a means of emphasizing this idea with great intensity.”

“Although “SHOCK”is highly recommended, it is not the only song worth giving a listen. When questioned about a song they would like to share with their fans, Minje chose “PSYCHO MANTRA”and explained, “Personally, I am drawn to the song ‘PSYCHO MANTRA.’ My voice and the song’s overall vibe may seem contrasting, but I enjoyed the challenge it brought. It pushed me to surpass my limits and I felt a sense of pride during the production process.”

Introducing ALL(H)OURS: The Next Boy Group To 'SHOCK' The K-Pop Industry
LR: Xayden, Minje, Hyunbin(Photo : EDEN Entertainment)

Youmin expressed his excitement to perform “PSYCHO MANTRA”for fans, stating that it possesses a unique energy in contrast to their title track, “SHOCK.”While “SHOCK”is known for its exhilarating nature and ability to make listeners want to jump up and down, “PSYCHO MANTRA”delves into a darker and more profound sound, showcasing a different aspect of the group, such as their sensuality. Therefore, Youmin eagerly anticipates performing the song.

The path for ALL(H)OURS appears to be paved with triumph. It’s difficult not to imagine what endeavors they will pursue in the coming days. When questioned about their future milestones, the members were unabashed in sharing their aspirations.

Masami, a native of Japan, expressed his desire to perform in his birthplace. He shared, “I aspire to hold a concert at a grand location such as Tokyo Dome and present our stage to my parents. I want to bring them pride.”In contrast, Minje dreams of embarking on a global tour and experiencing the unique ways in which different countries show their support.

N’s goal is to win first place on a music show and for ALL(H)OURS to be awarded “Rookie of the Year”at a year-end awards ceremony.

Introducing ALL(H)OURS: The Next Boy Group To 'SHOCK' The K-Pop Industry
L-R: Youmin, Masami(Photo : EDEN Entertainment)

After their most recent comeback, ALL(H)OURS remained dedicated to their fans. When questioned about any words of appreciation for their devoted fanbase, Youmin expressed, “We constantly convey our gratitude to our fans for their unwavering love and encouragement. We aim to reciprocate that love through our stage performances. As we move forward, we will draw strength from your support during the promotion of ‘SHOCK’ and all our upcoming endeavors. We assure you that we will continue to grow and present even greater versions of ourselves. We hold you dear!”

Great job on your return, ALL(H)OURS!

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