Invincible just recreated the comic’s best joke in Season 2

Despite the expectations of fans, Invincible Season 2 managed to keep them on their toes with a clever twist on the well-known meta joke from the comic, which humorously comments on the concept of working smarter instead of harder in the creation of art.

The second season of Invincible contains even more subtle references to the original comics, including a clever nod to the comic’s best meta-joke.

At Comic-Con, Invincible, also known as Mark Grayson, pauses to obtain an autograph from Filip Schaff. Mark inquires about the difficulty of animating a TV show in an innocent manner.

In the following extended sequence, Filip reveals the various sneaky techniques used to create animation within limited time and resources. These include concealing a character’s mouth, carefully manipulating the camera, and more. As he demonstrates these tricks, they are brilliantly showcased in a mind-bending, self-referential moment.

This is a clever update to a joke that pokes fun at one of the most common methods used in creating comic books. The original version, found in Invincible #10, shows Mark inquiring about Filip’s ability to consistently meet deadlines while creating comics.

Filip clarifies that artists often employ various tricks in their work, such as reusing artwork from one panel to another to create dramatic pauses. As he demonstrates this technique to Mark, the book intentionally reuses several panels, illustrating the point Mark was making.

Panel re-use demonstrated in Invincible
Image Comics

Invincible taught fans one of comics’ oldest tricks in an iconic moment.

The joke has become a beloved gag among many new fans of comics, drawing attention to a common practice. However, this technique is not exclusive to Invincible, as artists have been utilizing it for decades.

Many fans were also thrilled by the moment. According to user Ironable, “Invincible really delivered with this scene.”ChainsawReacts also predicted the clip’s success, saying “I knew this scene was going to go viral when I first saw it.”

Despite its departure from the series’ typically heavy tone, the scene continues to be a well-loved meta-joke. This is particularly fitting, as fans are already anticipating with dread what is to come in Invincible Season 2.

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