IRL Kick Streamer Panics as Elephant Charges at Her

Streamer ShakoMako, known for her kicking abilities, was on a trip to Sri Lanka to visit an animal sanctuary. However, during her visit, she found herself in a life-threatening situation as she had to quickly escape from a charging elephant.

IRL streaming has become extremely popular, with content creators exploring different parts of the world to capture their journeys and showcase their thrilling experiences for their audience.

As a result of the unpredictable nature of IRL streams, streamers are often faced with unexpected situations such as encountering random individuals or animals.

On April 17, while visiting a sanctuary, ShakoMako was observing an elephant from a distance when the animal suddenly noticed her and charged towards her.

The streamer quickly made their way towards a barricaded fence area and leaped over it to safety as the enthusiastic elephant let out a trumpet.

Despite being unable to simultaneously film the elephant and escape, she was able to resume recording from her point of view later on. By then, the animal had already crossed the path, indicating that it had charged towards her.

“My life is f**ked,”exclaimed ShakoMako in shock. “He was trying to kill me!”

Fortunately, there were no injuries, however, onlookers in the sanctuary were worried after witnessing the elephant’s sudden sprint and commented on its incredible speed.

Sri Lanka has 61 sanctuaries that do not require prior permission for entry, but it enforces strict regulations against hunting or disrupting the wildlife.

This bizarre event occurred the day after a startled circus elephant escaped through a fence in Montana and strolled through traffic, causing confusion among drivers who were unsure of what they were witnessing.

Jinny and justketh are not the only IRL streamers who have had encounters with animals. In Denmark, Jinny was once attacked by a wild deer while justketh was left with bruises after being bitten by a duck live on Twitch.

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