Is 6v6 Returning in Overwatch 2? Explanation of New Tests and Format Changes

The director of Overwatch 2 has recently published a blog post discussing the possibility of 6v6 returning in the game’s sequel, with plans for further testing in the future.

Despite the shift from 6v6 to 5v5 and the removal of a tank slot, many fans have been longing for the days of the previous format since Overwatch’s transition to its sequel.

Despite ongoing debates, players have continued to create their own 6v6 game modes, showcasing that the format remains relevant in the modern game. In response to the discussion, Aaron Keller, Game Director of Overwatch 2, personally addressed the topic.

Is 6v6 Coming Back in Overwatch 2?

The return of 6v6 in Overwatch 2 has been confirmed to some extent. According to Aaron Keller’s blog, the development team intends to hold a series of events to assess the potential success of 6v6 in Overwatch 2.

As he explained in his writing, the test will involve “experimenting with various core team compositions.”This indicates that they are seeking to try out different 6v6 configurations, potentially including a team with three DPS players instead of the traditional 2-2-2 setup.

Although Keller did not provide a time frame for their arrival, it seems that the development team has just started looking into these tests. Therefore, they will not be available in the near future.

According to Keller, future tests will take into consideration player reception, impact on queue times, technical constraints, and various other factors to determine whether Overwatch 2 should revert to a 6v6 format.

Will Overwatch 2 No Longer Have 5v5 Matches?

Contrary to rumors, 5v5 will not be removed from Overwatch 2 in the near future. According to Keller, the team’s current priority is to improve the 5v5 experience and make it the best it can be.

The director of Overwatch 2 explained that the decision to switch from 6v6 to 5v5 was due to the numerous technical issues encountered with the former. These issues, such as long queue times and the reliance on individual DPS and Support, were largely resolved with the switch. As a result, there are no plans to revert back to 6v6 at the moment.

Overwatch 2 Winston primal in-game image

Tanks took quite the hit in the switch from 6v6 to 5v5.

Nevertheless, Keller states that the team remains receptive to reassessing their choices in light of the feedback they have received from the community. A prime illustration of this is the recent reversal of Cassidy’s Grenade.

When Will the 6v6 Tests Arrive in Overwatch 2?

Although there is no specific timeline for the 6v6 tests at the moment, there are upcoming trials in the near future that may pertain to the 6v6 matches.

According to Keller’s blog, upcoming tests will focus on providing players with greater “freedom”. In Season 13, they intend to conduct another Quick Play: Hacked event to experiment with their concepts. However, this event will not involve a 6v6 format.

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