Is Mass Producing Prosthetics in Frostpunk 2 a Good Strategy? Insights Explained

One of the more intriguing decisions you can make in Frostpunk 2 is to Mass Produce Prosthetics. The outcomes of this choice are significant, and we’re here to break down what happens with each option to help you determine the best course of action.

Frostpunk 2 Mass Produce Prosthetics – What Happens if You Accept? Explained

View of Update on What Mass Produced Prosthetics Does for Citizens
Image Credit: 11 Bit Studios via Twinfinite

After you pass the Mass Produced Goods Law in Frostpunk 2, you’ll receive an opportunity to Mass Produce Prosthetics for your populace. We strongly advise you to accept this offer.

While it consumes a small portion of the materials you generate during your playthrough, this choice leads to an increase in your available workforce and a permanent reduction in injured workers. Consequently, your active workforce increases overall, enabling you to complete more projects than you would have otherwise.

Additionally, this decision is highly regarded by your citizens, resulting in greater happiness among workers due to the care they receive. Ultimately, Tension decreases, and you advance one step closer to the Equality Cornerstone which unlocks a variety of beneficial bonuses and Laws you can implement.

What Happens if You Don’t Mass Produce Prosthetics? Explained

In contrast, opting not to mass produce prosthetics yields no positive outcomes.

Although you will conserve some materials, this choice leads to a workforce that experiences more frequent injuries and a lower overall availability. This ultimately hampers your ability to complete various projects and can result in considerable downtime while workers recuperate from injuries, time that could otherwise be spent on expanding colonies, exploring the Frostland, and much more.

It’s a straightforward decision; seizing the opportunity to enhance your city as soon as it arises is the best course of action.

We hope this information clarifies whether you should opt to Mass Produce Prosthetics in Frostpunk 2.


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