Is Prince Canute A Female in Vinland Saga? Explained

Vinland Saga is a Japanese historical manga series written and illustrated by Makoto Yukimura. The series is set during the Viking Age of medieval Europe and follows the journey of Thorfinn, a young man who seeks revenge against Askeladd, the man who killed his father. The series explores themes of revenge, war, politics, and the pursuit of a utopian land known as Vinland, believed to be a place free of conflict and suffering

One of the prominent characters in this series is Prince Canute, who initially appears timid and feminine, which has led to some confusion among fans about his gender. However, it is worth noting that the prince isn’t a female in the anime or the manga, even though he may have been described as “feminine-looking.”

Who is Prince Canute in Vinland Saga?

Prince Canute is a prominent ruler in the anime. He is the 17-year-old prince of the Danes and is initially portrayed as timid and feminine, unable to function without his retainer Ragnar. These traits, along with his strong Christianity, earn him the mockery of the Vikings with whom he works.

He is the prince of Denmark and England, succeeding his father Sweyn for England, and his brother Harald for Denmark. His character is inspired by the real-life Prince Canute, who was a Danish prince and later became the King of England.

In the story, he is portrayed as a timid prince of Denmark, who relied heavily on his bodyguard Ragnar to survive. Initially, he was sent to lead the Danish army against England by his father, King Sweyn, in secret hopes that he would be killed in action.

However, after Ragnar’s death, he has a sharp reversal of personality, becomes strong and kingly, and develops an ambition to create a utopia on Earth before God’s return. Towards this end, he plots to overthrow his father Sweyn Forkbeard, and take the crown of the Danes.

Is Prince Canute a female in Vinland Saga?

No, Prince Canute is not female in Vinland Saga. While he does have clear feminine features that make him look female, he is actually male. In the manga, he is first introduced as a prince with a feminine face with long blond hair, blue eyes, and “pouty lips.”In fact, the prince was confused for a girl until he was in his late teens. However, his gender is confirmed to be male in the series.

Prince Canute’s feminine appearance is intentional and serves a purpose in the story. According to Makoto Yukimura, the creator of Vinland Saga, Prince Canute’s appearance is meant to reflect his character’s inner turmoil and the conflict between his feminine and masculine sides.

His feminine appearance also serves to highlight the contrast between him and the other male characters in the series, who are portrayed as rugged and masculine Vikings.


In conclusion, Prince Canute is not a female in Vinland Saga. While he does have feminine features, he is actually male. His soft features and personality were products of his upbringing.

However, the older version of Canute in season 2 of the anime actually looks more masculine than his younger version. Canute’s character development is one of the most interesting aspects of Vinland Saga. The series does an excellent job of showing how his experiences and relationships shape his personality and motivations.

Vinland Saga continues to captivate audiences with its richly developed characters and compelling narrative, inviting further exploration and interpretation.

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