Is Tanjiro’s father a Sun Breathing user in Demon Slayer? Explained

The characters in the Demon Slayer series are one of its greatest selling points. While the series does have an exciting and well-structured plot, it is undeniable that the characters play a crucial role in shaping the way fans view the anime.

Despite being a significant character, Tanjiro’s father did not receive much screen time in the anime. In the beginning, he was portrayed as a weak man with a mark on his forehead. He would regularly perform a dance routine to express his unwavering dedication to the Fire God.

One question seems to be on the minds of those who have read the manga: Is Tanjiro’s father a user of Sun Breathing? The answer is not so straightforward, as there is a significant link between the Dance of the Fire God and his abilities.

This article includes significant spoilers from the manga chapters.

Who is Tanjiro’s father in Demon Slayer?

Tanjuro - The Best of Tanjuro (Image via Ufotable)
Tanjuro – The Best of Tanjuro (Image via Ufotable)

Tanjuro Kamado, Tanjiro’s father in the animanga series, was initially portrayed as a gentle and loving man despite his physical frailty. Despite this weakness, he possessed the remarkable ability to perform the Hinokami Kagura, also known as the Dance of the Fire God, for extended periods of time.

It is worth noting that some anime-only viewers may not be aware of the connection between Tanjuro’s Dance of the Fire God and Sun Breathing. The dance he executed was actually a variation of the Sun Breathing technique that had been handed down for generations.

This raises the question: was Tanjiro’s father a practitioner of Sun Breathing? No, as his techniques were modified from the original versions. While they may have served as a foundation for Tanjiro’s abilities, Tanjuro’s dance differed from the techniques specifically designed to defeat Muzan.

Additionally, the techniques were created for fighting purposes, yet Tanjuro did not utilize them for such. Had his Dance of the Fire God been effective in combat, he may have been a practitioner of Sun Breathing. This provides evidence to suggest that he is not a Sun Breathing user within the anime and manga series.

How Tanjuro Learned the Forms of Sun Breathing

Comment by u/Vansh_bhai from discussionin Kimetsu No Yaiba

Tanjuro’s dance was a modified rendition of the Sun Breathing Technique, which had been handed down through generations in the form of a dance. The distinction between Sun Breathing and Hinokami Kagura lies in the fact that the latter was a replica of the original technique created by Yoriichi, with some added flair and minor deviations.

Tanjiro made this observation when he discovered that the Hinokami Kagura contained flaws in its footwork and wrist positioning, resulting in unnecessary movements within the form.

Tanjuro was familiar with a slightly modified version of the Sun Breathing forms, as Sumiyoshi had passed down the dance for generations. The Thirteenth Form, a rapid succession of all 12 previous forms, was something that Sumiyoshi had attempted to imitate.

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