Is there really pure friendship between men and women? ! SHINee Key: I can take a half bath with this female idol

(Cover image source: IG@bumkeyk)

Since then, is there another criterion for judging whether there is a pure friendship between a man and a woman?

Two days ago, the YouTube channel of the boy group SHINee released a video of “Brother, have you ever loved?”There was a “10-minute discussion”session. The content of the debate was related to “One For Me”. A woman who broke up with her lover called another man and told him “I broke up”, so can this man confess to a girl?

Taemin first gave his own opinion, saying: “If a boy knows a girl’s ex, he shouldn’t confess. This girl is too much. She called to tell the boy that she broke up.”

(Source: YouTube@SHINee)

The two had an in-depth discussion on this topic. Taemin said that he did not agree with the idea of ​​pure friendship between men and women at all. Key said immediately after listening, “But I can take a half bath with Taeyeon (Girls’ Generation). If I call Taeyeon after breaking up with someone, am I flirting with Taeyeon?”

After the video was released, Key’s speech also attracted the attention of many netizens. Some netizens accused Key of being outspoken: “Even if you want to consider the effect of variety shows, you can’t say that. If a boy said that about me, I would feel disgusted.”Some netizens also said that Key was just playing tricks, “he instructed to emphasize that the two care about each other very well”, “it’s not really a half-body bath together”, etc.

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