IShowSpeed Falls for Prank Involving Cat Meat Hoax in the Philippines

IShowSpeed faced a hilarious mishap during his trip to the Philippines when fans tricked him into believing he was consuming cat meat. The streaming sensation is currently on a journey through Southeast Asia, packed with chaotic and entertaining moments.

While in the Philippines, Speed visited a shop offering a variety of local foods and opted to try the popular siopao, a Filipino steamed bun known for its diverse fillings.

After he took his first bite, a crowd of fans nearby began to meow loudly, leading to Speed’s confusion. “What do you mean ‘meow meow’?” he asked repeatedly, until someone playfully suggested he was eating a cat.

“What?!” Speed exclaimed, looking shocked as he placed the siopao down and spat out the food. “What the f**k are y’all talking about? Nah bro, hell nah,” he said while paying for the snack. Even after a worker and a local reassured him that it was just a prank, he promptly exited the shop.

Viewers from the Philippines mentioned an urban legend surrounding siopao, suggesting it contained cat meat, but this is untrue. Typically, the delectable siopao is made with pork, which is likely what Speed was tasting.

“It’s a classic Filipino prank. We will say that siopao is filled with cat meat for the lols,” one fan commented. “The Filipino collective to trick a foreigner into thinking siopao has cat meat in it,” another shared.

“It’s a Filipino baptism, I guess. The first time I ate siopao, my parents also joked that it was cat meat and I didn’t eat it again for years!” a third participant reminisced.

Speed’s trip to the Philippines follows his viral adventures in Thailand, where he had several outrageous experiences, including crashing a Tuk Tuk and falling off an elephant.

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