IShowSpeed Stops for Selfie with Thai Police During Unexpected Encounter

Popular streamer IShowSpeed recently found himself stopped by Thai police while he was in a car, and it turns out they just wanted to take a selfie with him.

The YouTube star is currently enjoying his Southeast Asia tour, having kicked off his highly-anticipated adventure in Thailand.

So far, his streams have featured several chaotic moments. From nearly falling off an elephant to getting involved in a car crash on his first day, Thailand has proven to be a treasure trove of content for this internet-famous broadcaster.

IShowSpeed Pummeled by Pro Muay Thai Fighter
YouTube: Live Speedy

IShowSpeed was even pummeled by a Muay Thai pro during a stream in Thailand.

Upon rolling down the window, it became evident that the officer was simply a fan. He greeted the streamer with enthusiasm and asked for a selfie, to which IShowSpeed happily obliged.

This isn’t the first time Speed has been asked for a photo by law enforcement. Previously, he had a humorous encounter with an officer in South Korea, where he recorded their playful “barking match.”

The officer later issued a public apology after the moment went viral, explaining in a YouTube video comment that “Since we were always fans, we took selfies using our phones and made barking noises to express our happiness.”

Fortunately, Speed’s interaction with the Thai police was positive, a welcome contrast to some of his previous experiences.

During his visit to South Korea, he faced detention from the military for trying to film near the North Korean border. Thankfully, he was released and continued to showcase the country’s nightlife, which brought its own set of chaotic adventures.

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