Genshin Impact: Things To Know Before Pulling For Furina





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Archons of Genshin Impactare known to be exceptional, but even though Furina turns out to not be one, she’s still an amazing character in Genshin Impact. Her presence can massively improve a team’s performance, but all this is hidden behind a complicated mechanic.

Therefore, before pulling for Furina in Genshin Impact, players should familiarize themselves with her system to ensure they can make the most out of the pretend-Archon. Here are some examples of the things people need to know before wishing for Furina from her limited banner.

Is Furina Worth It In Genshin Impact?

Genshin Impact rivela i dettagli sul kit di Furina

Yes, it’s worth pulling for Furina in Genshin Impact. She’s an amazing off-field damage dealer who can also greatly support her team. Simply put, there’s nothing that Furina doesn’t do for her team, she can even deplete the team’s HP casually.

She’s A Buffer

Genshin Impact Things Furina è un buffer

For 18 seconds after Furina activates her Elemental Burst, players will start collecting Fanfare points to increase the team’s damage in Genshin Impact. These Fanfare points are collected when any unit in the party loses or gains HP.

Furina’s mechanics work to drain or heal the HP of the entire party, which can help stack more Fanfare points, not to mention that other characters might add to the stacking themselves. It’s not simple to maximize the stacks, but once players create a team that can, it can be a huge damage buff.

She’s A Strong Sub-DPS

Genshin Impact Things Furina è un forte sub-DPS

When in Ousia form, Furina’s Elemental Skill summons the three Salon Members that deal damage based on her max HP. This ability continuously drains the team’s HP, which further stacks Furina’s Elemental Burst as she deals great damage for an off-field Sub-DPS unit in Genshin Impact.

At max level, the three Salon Members will inflict around 14%, 10%, and 5% of Furina’s max HP, which can be notable if players build Furina in Genshin Impact to amplify that damage.

Don’t Overestimate Her Hydro Application

Genshin Impact Things Applicazione Furina Hydro

Since Hydro is an Element that reacts with all the other Elements, it’s beautiful to have an off-field Hydro enabler like Furina. However, players should be careful since Furina, with all her might, can’t replace the existing Hydro enablers like Xingqiu, Yelan, and Kokomi.

As for Furina, despite her great off-field damage through her Elemental Skill’s continuous Hydro attacks, Furina’s Salon Members have a poor ICD that makes her a slow Hydro enabler.

Can Heal But Need A Second Healer

Genshin ha un impatto sulle cose, Furina sorride

Sebbene Furina sia una discreta guaritrice, la sua guarigione è lenta e non riesce a massimizzare l’accumulo del suo Esplosione Elementale abbastanza velocemente. Quindi, per questo, ha bisogno di un altro guaritore che possa aiutare a curare la squadra e accumulare la sua Fanfara. Non solo, ma la passiva Ascensione A1 di Furina le consente di recuperare continuamente la salute del personaggio attivo se riceve cure da fonti diverse da lei.

Con queste molteplici fonti di guarigione, i giocatori sono tenuti a completare rapidamente gli stack Elemental Burst di Furina e massimizzare il buff che Furina può dare in Genshin Impact.

Ha sia Ousia che Pneuma

genshin impatto cose furina ha ousia e pneuma

Non solo il finto Arconte può utilizzare entrambe le meccaniche di Arkhe in Genshin Impact, ma è anche in grado di attivarle con facilità. Una volta che i giocatori utilizzano gli attacchi caricati di Furina, passerà dallo stato Ousia a quello Pneuma e il successivo attacco base di ciascuno stato attiverà il corrispondente attacco infuso da Arkhe.

La meccanica dell’attacco caricato è anche responsabile del cambiamento degli stati dell’abilità elementale di Furina, tra il consumo degli HP della sua squadra e l’infliggere danni elevati per curare il personaggio attivo.

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