IU’s Surprise Appearance at AKMU’s Concert

The second day of “2024 AKMU 10th Anniversary Concert ’10VE’”was held by AKMU on June 16th at KSPO DOME in Olympic Park, Songpa-gu, Seoul. The concert, held to celebrate AKMU’s 10th debut anniversary, featured their distinctive music and a setlist that reflected their journey over the past decade.

iu akmu concert

The day before AKMU’s concert, Lee Hyo-ri unexpectedly made a guest appearance and energized the crowd with her renditions of “U Go Girl”and “10 Minutes”. On the following day, the audience was thrilled to see IU take the stage as a special guest, prompting loud cheers of excitement.

AKMU and IU are well-known for their close relationship in the music industry. They have worked together on the hit song “NAKKA” and AKMU even made a guest appearance at IU’s concert. Similarly, IU displayed her loyalty by returning the favor and making a guest appearance at AKMU’s recent concert.

Upon taking the stage, IU introduced her performance as a congratulatory song for AKMU before singing “Meaning of You”. With her energetic presence and skillful performance, she successfully pumped up the audience and had them singing along loudly.

Expressing her admiration for AKMU, IU then shared, “The entire venue is packed with no empty seats, which is amazing. I am a huge fan of AKMU and I have always dreamed of being in the audience and watching their performances. However, I am here today as a special guest for their first concert. It has been 10 years since their debut and it is truly an honor for me to stand here even for a brief moment. I have been following their journey since they were 16 and 19 years old. I am incredibly proud of them for becoming renowned musicians in Korea and selling out this stadium” .

After listening to all the songs performed at the concert, IU commented, “The performances were fantastic and the audience sang along enthusiastically. The artists also gave inspiring speeches. I guarantee my concert will also be enjoyable, so please join me next time.”She also expressed her regret for not being able to join in when the audience sang “NAKKA”.

After performing two songs, including “Blueming”, IU completed her stage at AKMU’s concert.

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