IVE An Yuzhen & Zhang Yuanying’s reactions after hearing the sound of fireworks and firecrackers were so different: smiling vs. a frightened little rabbit

(Cover image source: FB@IVE)

The “temperature difference”between Zhang Yuanying and An Yu in IVE made people laugh.

Two days ago, the HANA PLAYLIST concert was held at Yonsei University in Seoul, and IVE was invited as a guest performer. The IVE members appeared on the stage in school uniforms LOOK that day and sang a number of classic songs including “After LIKE”, showing off their youthful vitality and winning loud cheers from the audience.

During IVE’s performance of “I AM”, the sound of fireworks and firecrackers was heard to suit the stage atmosphere. I wonder if An Yu really liked the sound and listened to the movements on the stage with a smile. Zhang Yuanying was obviously frightened by the sound. She walked away with a surprised look on her face, her brows slightly furrowed, and her eyes checking the direction of the fireworks from time to time. Although she was a little embarrassed, she was still very cute.

Fans and netizens who saw this scene couldn’t help but comment: “The reactions of the two are completely different, so cute”, “Zhang Yuanying’s big eyes are turning around”, “Zhang Yuanying is like a frightened little rabbit”, “An Yu is really so bold”and so on.

In addition, IVE will attend “2023 THE FACT MUSIC AWARDS”on October 10th.

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