IVE Li Rui is suspected of being bullied by his classmates! Fans were furious after being asked to sign an entire notebook: She is not a machine

(Cover image source: FB@IVE)

Is this a new type of bullying?

(Photo source: FB@IVE)

IVE member Lee Rui (Leeseo) was born in 2007 and is currently a student studying at Hanlin Art High School. In the past two days, posts expressing grievances for Li Ruiming appeared on the Internet in Japan and South Korea, saying that she was suspected of being bullied by her classmates and was asked to sign an entire notebook. It can be seen from the photos shared by a student who claimed to be Hanlin Art High School that Li Rui was holding a mobile phone in one hand and quickly signing a blank notebook with the other hand. After signing one page, he quickly turned to the next page and continued to sign. The whole process was It’s half squatting. The background sound was the noisy sounds of classmates, and the sounds of “Thank you, Li Rui, Li Rui “xi”, Li Rui “nim””could be heard. The poster said: “She also came to school during the event. Although she sometimes fell asleep, she signed one by one. She is really an angel.”

After the relevant content was exposed, fans and netizens sparked heated discussions. Many fans believed that Li Rui was bullied by her classmates, and they accused: “She is not a machine, why do you let her keep signing autographs?”and “The video was secretly recorded, and the tone is a little bit… The feeling of ridicule”, “How many sheets should I ask her to sign? The activity is already tiring enough, and she has to be interrupted during school time.”If treated like this, I don’t know how many ordinary students will be bullied. It’s terrible.” “Starship, can’t you even protect your own artists?” “The sad thing is that she even proudly told her sisters that her classmates have Love her so much, yet these assholes ask her to sign a damn notebook and then continue to discuss her”etc.

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