IVE Zhang Yuanying was frightened by the touch of a strange child and stared back! Hot Discussion on Korean Net: Overreaction vs Normal Defense

(Cover image source: IG@for_everyoung10)

As a super popular member of IVE, Zhang Yuanying’s words and deeds in public will be magnified by netizens. Her attitude towards elementary school fans caused heated discussions.

Recently, IVE went to Spain to participate in a platter performance. A street-shooting video about Zhang Yuanying went viral on the Internet, which aroused the attention of many netizens. In the film, Zhang Yuanying and his teammates are walking on the road, suddenly a young boy who is about the age of a primary school student suddenly walks towards IVE and others, and reaches out to touch Zhang Yuanying. Zhang Yuanying, who didn’t notice that someone appeared beside her, widened her eyes because of being touched, and took a big step back.

Zhang Yuanying’s reaction immediately sparked heated discussions. At first, some netizens thought that Zhang Yuanying’s reaction was too violent, and it was unnecessary to treat children like this. Afterwards, many netizens also spoke for Zhang Yuanying, saying, “Suddenly there was a stranger around me, and I was touched. Anyone would be shocked”, “He looks too young, he shouldn’t touch others casually”, “The security guards appeared too slowly”, “You don’t know how scary the elementary school students are recently”, “I would be shocked if I walked over to touch someone without saying a word”, etc.

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