IVE Zhang Yuanying was scolded again! Attending a Samsung promotional event, but using an iPhone for PO photos, accused of “lack of basic literacy”

(Cover image source: IG@for_everyoung10)

Recently, South Korea’s Samsung held a new phone conference in Seoul, inviting celebrities from various countries to participate in the promotion. IVE Zhang Yuanying was one of them. Unexpectedly, a follow-up detail triggered discussions on the Internet.

At the press conference, Zhang Yuanying and American actor Sydney Sweeney (Sydney Sweeney) took a selfie with Samsung’s latest mobile phone Galaxy Z Flip 5 and decorated the cover screen to show the new functions of the mobile phone to the world.

Then Sydney Sweeney posted the group photo to IG for limited action, Zhang Yuanying also forwarded it, and added a black love emoji in the lower right corner. It was this emoji that caught the attention of some netizens: Some people pointed out that this emoji is unique to the iPhone, accusing Zhang Yuanying of being invited to participate in Samsung’s promotional activities, but using an iPhone for PO photos, which is tantamount to promoting a competitor.

The Hannet report also mentioned that BTS SUGA is a true Samsung fan, and even asked to use a Samsung phone when taking photos with fans. There are more than 2,000 comments in the comment section of the report, most of them are men in their 40s: “It’s equivalent to wearing CHANEL to attend an LV event. Even if you are not a spokesperson, you are invited to go… Does the agency care?”Disappointed, I don’t understand even the most basic things. Don’t ask her again in the future, it turns out that Zhang Yuanying only cares about money and has no concept.”

There are also many netizens speaking for Zhang Yuanying, thinking that it is absurd that a mere emoji will cause controversy, and the Samsung official account also left a message for Zhang Yuanying, and did not show displeasure: “She is not the spokesperson of Samsung, nor did she take it at the scene. Out of the iPhone””A group of uncles are jealous of the little girl””After Yuan Ying participated in the event, he kept promoting Samsung mobile phones on IG and fan chat apps, just because of an emoji?””Yuan Ying is so pitiful, let her go””Why? Always tormenting young children with meaningless trifles? Even non-fans can’t stand it.”

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