How to Fix Instagram ‘Music to Note’ Feature Not Working or Showing Up Issue

Have you ever tried adding a song or music to your Instagram Stories, only to find the feature not working or missing? You’re not alone. Many users have reported issues with Instagram’s Music to Notes feature lately.

But don’t worry! With a few simple troubleshooting steps, you can fix the Instagram issue and get the feature back up and running in no time.

Instagram の Music-to-Note 機能が動作しない、または表示される問題を解決する方法
Photo credit: cottonbro studio/Pexels

Ways to Resolve Instagram Music to Note Feature Not Working or Showing Up Issue

This guide will walk you through the top solutions to try when the feature isn’t showing up or functioning on Instagram Stories.

Update Your Instagram App

The first thing you’ll want to check is if your Instagram app is fully updated. Outdated app versions often cause features to break or disappear.

  1. Open your phone’s App Store or Google Play Store. Search for Instagram. Check if there’s an Update option available.
  2. If so, tap to update the app.
  3. Once the latest version is installed, reopen Instagram and try adding music to your Story again. This quick update can instantly fix music issues in many cases.

Add Music to Your Instagram Status

Here’s an unusual but effective trick: add a song to your Instagram Status first.

Even though your main goal is adding music to Stories, updating your Status with a tune seems to “turn on” the music option elsewhere.

After you pick a track for your Status, the Music sticker should become available in Stories too. Give it a shot if the feature is missing.

Force Close and Restart the Instagram App

Instagram アプリを強制終了して再起動する
Photo credit: dlxmedia/Pexels

Small glitches are often fixed by restarting the problematic app. The same goes for Instagram music problems.

  1. To force close the app on iPhone, tap the Home button twice, then swipe up on the Instagram preview.
  2. On Android, open Settings > Apps > Instagram > Force Stop.
  3. With Instagram fully closed, reopen it. Then try using the Music sticker again. A simple restart clears temporary bugs behind the scenes.

Reinstall the Instagram App

If you still can’t add music to Stories, uninstalling and reinstalling Instagram is worth a shot. This gives the app a fresh start, resolving any stubborn issues.

  1. On iPhone, hold down on the Instagram icon until it starts wiggling. Tap the X to delete.
  2. On Android, go to Settings > Apps > Instagram > Uninstall.
  3. Next, visit your app store to redownload the latest Instagram version. Log back into your account. See if the music feature now works properly after the reinstall.

Join the Instagram Beta Program

For early access to new Instagram features, you can become a Beta tester. This allows you to try out unreleased tools, like Music for Stories.

  1. On iOS, join TestFlight via the App Store and accept the Beta invitation.
  2. On Android, sign up on the Google Play Store Instagram page.
  3. ベータ版アップデートを入手したら、音楽オプションが表示されるかどうかを確認してください。解決しない問題があれば Instagram にも報告してください。

Instagram のノートに音楽を手動で追加する

Instagram のノートに音楽を手動で追加する
写真提供者: Igor Meghega/Pexels

最後の手段として、代わりに Instagram ノートを通じて手動で音楽を追加してみてください。

  1. プロフィールに移動し、メニューの「メモ」に移動します。 + をタップして新しいメモを作成します。
  2. プロフィール写真の下にある音符アイコンを探してください。そこから曲を選択します。
  3. ストーリーに戻ると、ようやく音楽が選択できるようになります。試してみる価値はあります!


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