Jack in the Box Customers Divided on Unique New Combo Meal in Testing

Jack in the Box is welcoming the fall season with an intriguing new menu item for fast food enthusiasts. In a unique twist, the chain is combining crispy chicken strips with ramen noodles, all served in a warm broth.

Set to debut on September 23 and available until October 14, the ramen noodle & chicken combo will initially be offered as a test item, not rolling out nationwide.

If you’re eager to sample this new dish, you’ll need to visit San Diego, CA, where selected Jack in the Box locations will be piloting this innovative meal to gauge consumer interest.

Jack in the Box is the second fast food chain to experiment with ramen noodles on their menu. Earlier this year, Del Taco launched their trending birria ramen, featuring seasoned shredded meat, along with dried chilies, garlic, herbs, and spices. However, Jack in the Box will be the first to incorporate breaded chicken into the mix.

Following an Instagram post highlighting the new ramen combo, reactions were mixed. Some fans were enthusiastic, commenting, “I’ll be there!” while others urged Jack in the Box to expand the testing to other regions, saying, “Bring this to TEXAS! These kids eat ramen every day at lunch.”

One user expressed nostalgia, stating, “Ohhhh how I miss Jack. It’s coming to the Chicago suburbs but not fast enough!”

Conversely, some individuals were skeptical about the release, voicing concerns like, “Not sure how I feel about this. It doesn’t look like it’s going to have enough flavor.”

“All these restaurants that didn’t have ramen but now do need to stop, just no,” remarked another, expressing disappointment.

Jack in the Box is not alone in unveiling a new offering this September. Taco Bell has also reintroduced their popular giant Cheez-Its, allowing customers to build their own cheesy snacks.


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