Japan scientists discover links between gum disease and brain shrinkage

A group of Japanese scientists suggest that there could be links between gum disease and gradual shrinkage of the brain.

Based on the study conducted by them, it was found that losing a tooth due to gum ailments affects a part of the brain known as the hippocampus, which helps with learning and memorizing.

That eventually leads to its shrinkage and reduction in life expectancy.

Gum diseases can reduce years from your life, says study

The hippocampus is a vital brain structure that helps with learning and memorizing. (Image via Designua/Shutterstock)
The hippocampus is a vital brain structure that helps with learning and memorizing. (Image via Designua/Shutterstock)

As mentioned already, based on a study conducted, scientists in Japan have established useful links between diseases in the gum and the shrinking of the brain.

The results were based on dental examinations, memory tests and brain scans that were conducted over four years, measuring changes in gum tissues and volume of the hippocampus (part of the brain associated with Alzheimer’s disease).

Speaking about the findings of the study, Dr Satoshi Yamaguchi from Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan, said:

“The findings suggest that retaining teeth with severe gum disease is associated with brain atrophy. These results highlight the importance of preserving the health of the teeth and not just retaining the teeth.”

He added:

“Tooth loss and gum disease, which is inflammation of the tissue around the teeth that can cause shrinkage of the gums and loosening of the teeth, are very common, so evaluating a potential link with dementia is incredibly important.”

How to improve health of gums?

Disease in the gum can be caused due to a wide range of factors, some of which are internal while some are external.

One of the primary ways of keeping gums healthy is by maintaining proper oral hygiene. That can be achieved by brushing at least two times a day, once when you wake up and then before you go to sleep.

It’a also important to clean your mouth properly after each meal or whenever you consume food. It’s also important that you use a proper brush to clean your teeth. A soft bristle brush with the ability to reach the innermost corners of teeth is recommended.

Using the right kind of toothpaste is also crucial. Ones that are gentle on teeth and gums must be chosen over ones that contain harsh chemicals with corrosive properties, unless suggested otherwise. Cleaning the tongue with a gentle tongue cleaner is also important.

Moreover, flossing is also a very common practice for removing dirt stuck between teeth. Apart from all these daily practices, it’s recommended to visit a dentist at least every six months to keep a check on oral health.

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