Japanese Bar Serves Incredible Pokemon-Inspired Drinks

Although it may not be the typical crossover that fans of the Pokemon TCG would anticipate, a recent trend has received great acclaim on the internet. During a visit to a Japanese bar, a customer shared that the establishment will create a unique cocktail inspired by any Pokemon card that is presented to them.

X user @redbeantofu posted on the platform, sharing their experience of visiting a bar in Akihabara, Japan. They were amazed by the bar’s unique concept of creating cocktails based on TCG cards, and even provided examples of cocktails inspired by Sylveon and Snom, both Ice-type creatures.

The cocktails are designed to reflect the colors of the corresponding Pokemon, with the Sylveon-based drink featuring a striking combination of pink and blue. Additionally, the Snom cocktail boasts a beautiful deep frosty blue hue.

At the time of writing, the original post on X has received over 100,000 likes and has sparked numerous comments with questions about the bar and acceptable forms of identification.

Fortunately, the author specified the exact location of the bar, disclosing that the cocktail was made at TCG Board Game Cafe & Bar Fun, for anyone interested in visiting Japan and Akihabara to experience it themselves.

In reality, the bar has an active profile on X, where they frequently feature their unique cocktails and the corresponding TCG cards. A recent update featured a drink inspired by Cynthia and Garchomp, featuring a black and green bottom and a yellow top.

The original post received numerous comments from members of the Pokemon community expressing their astonishment, with one commenting, “This is so cool! The Sylveon one is absolutely gorgeous!”and another stating, “I’m definitely saving this for when I visit.”

“One user commented, “The Sylveon one tastes amazing,”while another reminded themselves, “Next time I’m in Japan, I need to bring my Yu-Gi-Oh cards with me.”

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