Japanese Girlgroup Member Reportedly Working At Hostess Bar in Japan + Agency Investigating

On April 26th, Haru, a Japanese member of the girl group Nature, took to her Instagram story to express her gratitude to her supporters. She also hinted at having something to share but asked for patience as she was unable to reveal it at the moment.

On that same day, she posted on her Instagram account, Sakura Lulu, saying, “I have been receiving some negative feedback on social media, but I kindly ask for your support as I am working towards achieving my life goals.”Additionally, she mentioned, “I have only encountered kind and supportive individuals at my workplace. It’s a comfortable and secure environment for me to work in.”

A Tiktok video was recently shared by a hostess bar in Japan, featuring its employees. One of the women in the video, Sakura Lulu, introduced herself and mentioned that she had been a K-pop singer for six years since she was 18 years old. She then stated that she is currently working as a “kabajo”(receptionist) to save up funds for her dream of opening a dance studio.

It was especially surprising for internet users to discover that the girl in question was actually Haru from the K-Pop group Nature. The agency representing Nature released a statement confirming that Haru is currently not promoting with the group as she is in Japan, and they are currently investigating the situation.

However, since the release of its third mini album in November 2022, Nature has not been engaging in any new activities.

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