Jar Jar Binks Actor Reflects on Beginning and End of Career with Star Wars Prequels

Actor Ahmed Best, known for his role as Jar Jar Binks, has openly addressed the criticism his character faced in the Star Wars prequels.

Despite debuting in 1999, The Phantom Menace, the first installment of the Star Wars prequel trilogy, has faced a lot of criticism. One character in particular, Jar Jar Binks, has been the target of much of this negative attention.

Despite being the first fully computer-generated supporting character in a live-action film and a member of the Gungan race, Jar Jar Binks has faced criticism from viewers for his childlike behavior and Jamaican accent that seemed out of place.

Despite the character’s inclusion receiving backlash, the negative response extended beyond the on-screen performance. Best, who portrayed Jar Jar in the prequels, openly discussed the immense suffering he endured from Star Wars fans.

“As The Phantom Menace celebrates its 25th anniversary and returns to theaters, Best shared with People that he was overwhelmed by the support he received, stating, “Everyone came for me. Not only was I the first person to do this kind of work, but I was also the first Black man to do it.”

Despite facing backlash and being labeled as a textbook case of cyberbullying, Best reflected on the challenges he encountered after the premiere of his movie. He acknowledged the difficulties of being a young 26-year-old and achieving a lifelong dream of reaching the highest level in his field. Despite the obstacles, Best remained determined and believed he deserved to be at the top.

“Suddenly, everything changed as people pulled the rug out from under me. I was left bewildered, wondering what was happening. My career seemingly came to a halt, leaving me lost and without guidance. The situation was unprecedented and there was no one who could offer me support, as it had never occurred before in history.”

Jar Jar Binks in the Star Wars prequels
20th Century Fox

The actor went on to explain how the internet has created a whole new field of psychology, which he had no knowledge of at the time. He also mentioned that while everyone else, including George Lucas, seemed untouchable, he was the only one who faced criticism.

Despite being initially a major character, Jar Jar’s presence in the Star Wars franchise was greatly reduced in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, causing disappointment for both actor Best and fans alike.

Best expressed his desire for a satisfying resolution to Jar Jar’s story, stating that it didn’t necessarily need to be tragic. He recalled a particular piece of Star Wars literature where Jar Jar was portrayed as a homeless clown begging for money, which he didn’t believe was a fitting ending for the character.

“I don’t believe that is the ultimate destiny for Jar Jar.’ Despite his notorious clumsiness and tendency to stumble into success, Jar Jar remained a beloved character who always managed to prevail. I am curious to discover what became of Jar Jar after that, even if it means seeing a final scene to tie up his story.”

This is not the first instance in which the criticism towards Jar Jar was acknowledged. Liam Neeson, who co-starred with Best in the prequels, expressed his dismay at seeing his colleague face such relentless attacks during a 2020 appearance on SiriusXM’s Radio Andy channel.

Neeson stated, “He received a lot of criticism, to the extent that it greatly impacted his career. However, I must admit that while working on that film, he was one of the most humorous and skilled individuals I have ever collaborated with.”

The actor continued to express his belief that Best had the potential to become the next Eddie Murphy, which he had previously shared with his manager, and stated that he still holds that belief.

To access additional Star Wars material, be sure to check out our analysis on why it’s the perfect moment for a Star Wars horror film and our official list of the top 50 Star Wars characters.

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