Jin Yinji wrote another masterpiece! Kim Tae-ri’s acting skills in the final two episodes of “Evil Ghost” were extremely impressive, and the ending was extremely touching and praised (EP.11-12)

(Cover photo source: Screenshot of Disney+@”Ghosts”)

Screenwriter Kim Eun-hee, starring Kim Tae-ri, Oh Jung-se and Hong Kyung’s “Evil Ghost”ended yesterday (30). It can be said that if you don’t see the end, you don’t know what the ending will be. The whole work was recognized as “leader and tail”from screenwriter, actor to director.

(The following involves spoilers)


Lian Hai (played by Oh Jung Se), Gu San Ying (played by Kim Tae Ri), Lee Hong Sae (played by Hong Kyung) and Kim Chi Won (played by Kim Woo Jin’s father, played by Lee Kyu Hoe), the vice president of Joong Hyun Trading Co. Luo Bingxi (played by Kim Hae-sook), asked the real name of the evil spirit──Li Xiangyi. Then it’s time to race against time. The evil spirit is anxious to kill those who are not good for him. When he wants to kill Gu Sanying’s mother (played by Park Ji-young), it is Gu Sanying who threatens his life to prevent the evil spirit from succeeding.

Looking back on the past, it turned out that Li Xiangyi (played by Shen Daqi) was indeed the one chosen by the wizard, but she was unwilling and let her younger sister replace her. This action caused her mother to commit suicide without understanding, and her father and brother later died in a shipwreck. Lonely and helpless, she wanted to exchange money for her younger sister, but instead saw her younger sister being brutally murdered by a wizard. She became a victim again, a real victim, and became a prince ghost who helped re-establish the trading company.

(Source: Screenshot of Disney+@”Ghost”)

After the evil ghost killed Luo Bingxi, he started a dialogue with Gu Sanying, expressing that his remaining wish was to find his body. Gu Sanying asked Lian Haihai not to do so, but it was too late. Lian Haihai has dug up Li Xiangyi’s remains in order to find the fifth item, and then he also took the five items and sealed them everywhere. It was Gu Sanying’s mother who first discovered that Gu Sanying had changed into a different person. From her mouth, Lian Haihai confirmed that he had really fallen into the trap of the evil spirit. At this time, Gu Sanying had “exchanged”with the evil spirit, and the evil spirit took possession of Gu Sanying. The body with scattered shadows becomes a shadow with scattered shadows.

Finally, from the death message left by Luo Bingxi, he got the real way to seal the evil spirits——destroying the divine body, that is, Li Xiangyi’s severed finger. Lian Haihai got her finger but was threatened by Li Xiangyi with her own (Gu Sanying) life. Before that, Li Xiangyi had expressed that she wanted to live, but now so many people including Gu Sanying want to end their lives easily, she Not reconciled.

Li Xiangyi hurt Lian Haihai and got her own finger, and when she was about to leave, Gu Sanying came back. Because he realized in the dark that “the face that wants to kill me is also me”, Gu Sanying aroused the will to live, and finally successfully manipulated his body to burn his fingers.

(Source: Screenshot of Disney+@”Ghost”)

The epilogue describes that Gu Sanying cherishes the time she can still see. During a game of rope and fire on a boat tour, she and Lian Haihai watched the fire fall and saw the happy appearance of ghosts. Say, “Yeah, try to live!”

(Source: Screenshot of Disney+@”Ghost”)

After watching the last two episodes, the audience had to admire Kim Tae-ri’s acting skills again. In just two episodes, she showed at least four acting skills——Gu Sanying, evil ghost, Gu Sanying playing the evil ghost, and Gu Sanying playing the role of Gu Sanying. The evil ghosts of the film make the audience have to enter the play, and follow Luo Bingxi, Lian Haihai or Li Hongsai into confusion.

Many viewers gave favorable comments to the ending. A meme picture on Twitter praising “Ghost”getting better and better broke through 1,500 retweets, and reposted it to the ‎theqoo forum, which also received hundreds of positive comments. Many people praised “Evil Ghost”as a masterpiece of “dragon head and dragon tail”. Healing, they say, “Yeah, try to live!””I’ll try to live too.”

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