‘Jiwoong Deserves Better’: ZEROSEs Call Out ZEROBASEONE Member’s Mistreatment, Lack Of Activities

Online protests have been organized by fans to show support for the idol.

On June 11, ZEROSEs flooded Twitter to expose agency WAKEONE’s reported mistreatment of ZEROBASEONE member Kim Jiwoong.

Based on their assertions, Jiwoong has been largely absent during his solo promotions, which include individual activities, dance collaborations with other K-pop idols, and a noticeable absence on social media platforms like X (Twitter), Instagram, and TikTok.

The hashtag “Jiwoong Deserves Better”was trending, as fans expressed their frustration and demanded more promotions for the idol.

On February 2, a user on Twitter posted a clip from a fan call that included Kim Jiwoong. Despite a good start, the author made it a point to mention that the idol had cursed after the call ended. Several posts claimed that the idol had tried to say “Ah, shi-,”indicating the use of the Korean curse word “sh*bal.”

The original poster questioned whether it was common for their favorite member to react with an “Ah, shi-“during fan calls. They expressed uncertainty and asked for the opinions of other ZEROSE fans.

After Jiwoong received immediate backlash from netizens, there were protests calling for his removal from the group using trucks.

As the agency released a statement clarifying Jiwoong’s cursing allegations, WAKEONE became involved in the situation.

“We have discussed this matter with Kim Jiwoong and it’s confirmed that these accusations are not true. We have also consulted other administrative staff and interpreters.

For an even more accurate and unbiased analysis of the incident, we plan to work with a digital media forensic team and engage in other professional methods to uncover the truth. We will do everything in our resources to protect our artist.”

Finally, Dispatch disclosed the findings of the investigation and confirmed that it was challenging to verify the swearing due to various background noises. Additionally, it was determined that the footage was not manipulated in any manner and a staff member testified that the celebrity did not use any foul language.

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